DVD/VHS combo?

The Mother-in-law's JVC DVD/Video player has given up the ghost. Can anyone recommend a good (preferably cheap) replacement? She has loads of video's, and a number of DVD's. She won't go separate, wants to keep the boxes down to a like-for-like set-up.
There's a few, with and without HDD/DVD recording, try Panasonic, they have several models to choose from, my dad recently got a Panasonic one, I was slightly annoyed because it's not a twin tuner but other than it's pretty good, I think they're using it, I'm not sure he's really got the concept of recording direct from the EPG though.
Thanks Ihc - I'll search on the web for a panny. That'll make a nice Xmas present for her.
The Panasonic VHS/DVD/HDD/Freeview machines are excellent.

I found mine indispensable at the time (up until last January when the last VHS finally left the house).

Many years ago when NICAM stereo VHS machines first appeared, I started recording full length BBC Radio plays onto VHS rather than cassette because there would be no breaks to change tapes. (Many plays are up to 2 hours or more.)

The VHS/DVD/HDD combi machines allowed me to transfer them all to DVD and then to demux them (with Mpeg Streamclip free software on the iMac) into AIFF for importing to iTunes.

I know of at least one instance where the BBC no longer has a copy of a particular play whereas I have four. (Actually seven copies. Three on different iTunes, three on their respective system backup disks and the DVD 'masters' offsite.)

The Panasonic has a VHS - DVD transfer that actually cleans up the VHS picture quite well.

This is the latest version of the Panasonic I used.

The Panasonic VHS/DVD/HDD/Freeview machines are excellent.

I found mine indispensable at the time (up until last January when the last VHS finally left the house).

Many years ago when NICAM stereo VHS machines first appeared, I started recording full length BBC Radio plays onto VHS rather than cassette because there would be no breaks to change tapes. (Many plays are up to 2 hours or more.)

The VHS/DVD/HDD combi machines allowed me to transfer them all to DVD and then to demux them (with Mpeg Streamclip free software on the iMac) into AIFF for importing to iTunes.

I know of at least one instance where the BBC no longer has a copy of a particular play whereas I have four. (Actually seven copies. Three on different iTunes, three on their respective system backup disks and the DVD 'masters' offsite.)

The Panasonic has a VHS - DVD transfer that actually cleans up the VHS picture quite well.

This is the latest version of the Panasonic I used.

Oooo, looks like the sort of thing she'd be happy with. Thanks Chebby.


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