Dual 505/Ortofon Om 10 query


New member
Nov 1, 2008

Having just returned to the world of vinyl after a 20 year break I was hoping someone could possibly give some insight to my queries?

I bought the Dual CS 505-2 (mid 1980's model) off a well known auction site and have serviced and lubricated it, replaced the belt, changed the RCA cables and fitted and aligned a brand new Ortofon OM 10 cartridge and stylus. The deck plays through a Denon PMA 355 UK into Tannoy Mercury V4. The turntable is placed on a homemade wall shelf and picks up no resonances/interference from electrics, speakers or footfall.

My questions are;

1) The new cartridge replaced a Dual 165e cartridge/stylus which is exactly the same design as the Ortofon and was developed for the Ultra Light Mass tonearm however when removing the old unit I noticed that the brass, arrow shaped weight (approx. 2.5 gm) was missing but present in the new cartridge. I have fitted the Ortofon with the weight in situ and everything balanced correctly - should the weight be removed or not?

2) Do new cartridges have to be 'run-in'?

3) Would a wooden plinth improve the sound quality of the deck as well as improving the asthetics? If so does anybody have any any plans/drawings of such a construction and any experience of making a plinth?

As usual thanks in advance for any information.


Hi Skiman.

You might get more replies to this if it was placed in the 'Turntables and LPs' sub-forum.

I am not familiar with the Ortofon weigh you talk about but if you have balanced the tonearm and then ensured the correct tracking force for the cartridge has been applied there should be no problem.

Most people, I believe, think cartridges have a run-in time but again most cannot say exactly what it is. My opinion is that if they do it is very short and most cartridges do not 'improve dramatically' after such and such hours.

I do not think a wooden plinth would improve on what you already have. You have done the right thing and placed it on a wall shelf, and this should be sufficient, assuming the TT is perfectly levelled. You should not need any further isolation in my view.

The biggest improvement for you will be a cartridge upgrade but as you have just bought the OM 10 just enjoy that. 🙂
Hi Alears,

Thanks for the reply - did'nt realize there was a sub forum for turntables. Unfortunately I don't have a clue how to move the thread.

You have answered my concerns re weight and plinth. As regards the cartridge/stylus fitment budget was the main consideration and whether the bug was a passing fancy or a more permanent part of my music fix. I realize that the stylus could be upgraded to 20,30 or 40 tips however the quality of the deck would'nt warrant the latter 2 but the OM20 could be an upgrade.

At present the sound is very pleasing with very good bass response and crisp uppers but the mid-range/vocals seem a little recessed.

Any suggestions for other cartridge/stylus suggestions for when the time comes. The arm is very light and has the 1/2 inch mounting system.


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