Oldskool, your comment about Quest going "full ******" is insulting ad hominem.
The guy has admitted to being regularly institutionalized, he's started a thread on a hi-fi forum about feeling suicidal, has threatened to involve the police on a freaking hi-fi forum of all places and has ranted more then Rab C Nesbitt on Tren! If you don't think this is going full ****** then feel free to tell me what your version of full ****** is?
I don't like your posting style.
Thats funny because I don't like it when people bash kit they've never heard while recommending kit they also have never heard.
Guess we got something in common, no?
I trust the advice of my associate because so far at every bake-off we've attended we've agreed on the nature of the sonic differences between every component. He usually detects and is able to articulate the differences quicker than me, which is fair enough as he has far more experience in audio equipment than I do. He also has a track record of finding, and recommending relatively good hi-fi for very low budgets.
Maybe his idea of what sounds good is different to OP, its plain to see you and your buddy just have the same taste in sound. Either way I would not be taking your buddys word as gospel especially since sound is very subjective. Also what do you mean about your palbeing able to articulate the differences? We talking soundstage,bass,mid, highs..?
I'm prepared to stick my neck out on the basis of his recommendations. In this thread, you are not just drawing on my personal expeerience, you are drawing on his too. I'm trying my best to offer the OP the best advice I can by including recommendations from people whose judgement on hi-fi I trust. You see that as a bad thing for some reason. I think you have some kind of grudge against me. Maybe I've criticised the sound of your speakers at some point on this forum? And you've taken that personally? So you've decided to stick the knife into me. Or maybe you're the sort of person that never criticises the sound of your components, and you've taken my comments on this personally?
Because I've disagreed with you I've now got a grudge and am trying to stick a knife in your back??
Now look whos taking things personally!!
If you can provide soild evidence of the following please feel free to, but my guess is you can't, because its all in your imagination.
But, if you truly feel this way then may I suggest investing in a stab proof vest and a bodyguard in preparation for the next time someone disagrees with you.
The fact is, I've disagreed with you and now "victim mode" has been engaged is worrying .I have no problem in pointing out the shortfalls in my kit, its a budget set up for petes sake.
Let me put it this way. In a bake-off between MA Bronze 5's and Goodmans Magnums in Xicu's room, I'm confident the Goodmans would win. I'd be prepared to bet the £100 value of the Magnums that they'd win. Feel free to put my advice to the test.
By the power of greyskull, a hundred nicker you say, who judging?
Because if its you and your buddy I think I'll take a rain check.
Thank-you for finally agreeing with me on the depreciation thing. Anyone selling the Goodmans 2 days, 2 months, 2 years, 10 years adter buying them will lose nothing. Anyone buying the MA's new is likely to lose a bit after 2 days, a bit more over 2 years and £400 over 10 years. That's a key advantage to a whole host of used speakers, including the Magnums.
Did you even bother to read what I posted?
You were arguing on the resell value of the MA, I just proved to you that as long as they are not old, he/she will not lose much money on them. He/she will also have a guarantee and, should they wish could trade up/sell early on.
Would any dealer take a pair of ancient goodmans? Thats providing they were still running ten years down the line and I could be wrong, they might be worth nowt in ten years.
Besides the Goodmans look like something Captain Caveman did at his first ever woodwork lesson.
The MA Silvers sounded relatively poor compared to listening to a live grand piano. Their midrange and treble had less clarity and was less dynamically wide open than the EV Sentry's I bought for £415. Their bass is less tight, textured and toe-tapping than the Bozak Symphonies I bought for £500. The MA Silvers had no sonic area in which they were better than either of those speakers. They had no magic to them. Overall, they sound relatively crude and boring to listen to.
Fair enough at least you've heard this particular speaker you're bashing but at the end of the day thats just your opinion, which I have no problem with.
The fact is I've lost count of the amount of people who love the MA sound and I'm sure there are people out there who feel the sameabout the Sentrys.
Which model EV Sentrys do you own? (Please tell me you're not comparing slim floorstanders to those freaking boat anchors!)
Oldskool, in your opinion, what are the chances that the Bronzes sound better than the Silvers? In my opinion there's a 5% chance the Bronzes will sound better.
So you agree there is a chance? For sure the majority would disagree, but I personally have no idea if the bronze would work better in my room so I would'nt comment or make the assumption.
Modern slimline ported ultra budget speakers, as a breed, just don't sound good - based on my personal experience of the ones that I've heard. Are you seriously stating that the MA Bronzes are somehow a golden exception to this rule?
Have you listened to all sub £500 slimline ported speakers?
Oh and in what world is £500 ultra budget?
Acoustic suspension speakers with reasonable sized and quality drivers are generally OK sounding speakers - based on my personal experience of this breed. Are you seriously stating that the Magnums are an exception to this rule?
Maybe they are, I have no idea, but I bet your hi-fi guru buddy could help you out.
I've never heard a Crosley turntable. I'd be prepared to stick my neck out and state that it will sound relatively crude, flat and boring when compared to a Sony PS 8750 (I've heard neither). According to your line of argument, I'd be out of order for expressing this opinion?!
Now you're just acting ridiculous, because you are comparing apples to oranges just to try justifly your point. Firstly in what universe is acheap suitcase turntable being credited as Hi-Fi because it isn't this one. Then you're putting it up against a turntable, that 40 years later,commands a price tag of 2k!! It might be a beauty, but the Sony's lid cost more then the Crosley ffs.
I have no problem with you expressing your opinions, in fact.
"I Disapprove of What You Say, But I Will Defend to the Death Your Right to Say It",
But I find your lack of listening disturbing.....