Denon PMA250 SE and Project Elemental

Nov 27, 2015
Any suggestions why an old Denon amp I have bought only produces low sound levels when playing records but is booming when playing cds and the tuner.

The turntable works fine with my old Pioneer amp.

On another forum I read it (The Denon) might not have the phono stage pre amp fitted but as the turntable has a pre amp is that likely to be an issue?
Thanks for the response.

The brand new ProJect Elemental turntable has a built in pre amp which works fine with my old Pioneer amp but not with the old Denon.

Does the Denon need another pre amp to boost the signal?

Would an external Pro-Ject Phonobox MM pre amp do the job?

Thanks again

Project Elemental doesn't have a pre-amp, unless you've specifically bought the Phono USB version. It's very likely your Denon doesn't have one either, the phono board was an option on the 250SE which most buyers of the day didn't bother with.
MajorFubar said:
Project Elemental doesn't have a pre-amp, unless you've specifically bought the Phono USB version. It's very likely your Denon doesn't have one either, the phono board was an option on the 250SE which most buyers of the day didn't bother with.

yep. Just read the Pro-Ject's manual and, unless OP's states otherwise, it says to connect the rca cable to the amp's phono stage. Check Rega Mini A2D phono stage. The pro-ject and nad entry level ones should be fine as well.


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