Dedicated speaker stands the best bet?


New member
May 29, 2013
My speakers is bookshelf mission mx1 and my stands are wooden chair and i love the sound there's enough bass and mids. I'm thinking to get a pair of cheap metal stands ( usd40 ) but have questions about sound improvement :

1. will it improve sound by a lot?

2. is mission's own dedicated stands the best bet?

3. is it worth it to get those stands that cost half of of my speaker's price?

4. could much more expensive stands ( better metal / wood ) produce better sound?

5. is heavier stands the better?

6. am i missing a lot not getting any stands?

7. anyone have experience where your cheap and light stands sounded better than premium or dedicated ones?


New member
Mar 5, 2010
1. No, it won't.

2. It doesn't matter what make the stands are, metal or wood, they all sound the same.

3. No it's not. They're overpriced, all of them, after all it's just a piece of metal or wood. Get the cheapest ones, they just have to be sturdy, that's it.

4. No. Look above, answer number 3.

5. It makes no difference to the sound, i had Target stands filled with atabites once, proper heavy, and it sounded really bad, weak bass.

6. In terms of look, yes. It just looks better, that's it.

7. Once i put my speakers, outstanding pair of Revel Performa M22, on cardboard boxes. They sounded great, it was simply the best pair of speakers i've ever had. Then i've decided to 'upgrade'. I bought stands worth £300. And guess what? It sounded the same. So there you have it. Save your money and buy some of ebay.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2012
I would look on ebay Mission stands come up quite a bit for around £20. Atacama are also prettty good, just make the top plate is not too large for your speakers.


New member
Apr 24, 2013
mindmenglish said:
My speakers is bookshelf mission mx1 and my stands are wooden chair and i love the sound there's enough bass and mids. I'm thinking to get a pair of cheap metal stands ( usd40 ) but have questions about sound improvement :

1. will it improve sound by a lot?

2. is mission's own dedicated stands the best bet?

3. is it worth it to get those stands that cost half of of my speaker's price?

4. could much more expensive stands ( better metal / wood ) produce better sound?

5. is heavier stands the better?

6. am i missing a lot not getting any stands?

7. anyone have experience where your cheap and light stands sounded better than premium or dedicated ones?

Despite the responses above, speaker stands do alter the sound, particularly in the bass region. However in the case of any budget speakers the effect will probably be minimal so no need to fret.

Buy an inexpensive pair of stands that are able to be filled with sand or similar, a single thick column is best such as those be Atacama or Fisual. Half fill the column with dry sand, this will lower the centre of gravity and damp the metalwork, blue tac the speakers to the top and use the stands bottom spikes for stability.

This is simple good practice and will give good results in the vast majority of cases.


New member
Jan 16, 2013
mindmenglish said:
My speakers is bookshelf mission mx1 and my stands are wooden chair and i love the sound there's enough bass and mids. I'm thinking to get a pair of cheap metal stands ( usd40 ) but have questions about sound improvement :

1. will it improve sound by a lot?

2. is mission's own dedicated stands the best bet?

3. is it worth it to get those stands that cost half of of my speaker's price?

4. could much more expensive stands ( better metal / wood ) produce better sound?

5. is heavier stands the better?

6. am i missing a lot not getting any stands?

7. anyone have experience where your cheap and light stands sounded better than premium or dedicated ones?

1, Yes - and you'll have something to sit on again :)

2, Not necessarily;

3, Check out stands on for good value stands - IMHO it doesn't make sense to put more into stands than the speakers and 40 to 80 bucks should get you an excellent pair;

4, See 3 above;

5, Yes, if only to stop them falling over, but half decent wooden stands will be fine unless you're planning a mage (sp) pit;

6, Yes, and not just being able to sit down - proper stands will place your speakers at ear level when sat on the chairs currently hosting the speakers;

7, Cheap stands can be fine, but avoid too lightweight.

My stepson has a pair of Polk Audio TSI200s sat on Sanus BF-24B stands from Amazon at $45 a pair plus S&H. Trust me there's plenty of bass - grrr!!

Linkey to the Sanus stands:


New member
Jan 16, 2013
PS BluTack or Velcro self-adhesive pads to keep the speakers on the stands. Use carpet spikes if you have carpet, rubber feet if you have wood or tile :cheers:


Well-known member
Oct 16, 2008
tommie_boi said:
5. It makes no difference to the sound, i had Target stands filled with atabites once, proper heavy, and it sounded really bad, weak bass.

If it makes no difference to the sound then how did it sound any different to anything else you had the speakers on?


New member
Jul 19, 2013
Two big advanges with stands , you get the speakers at the right height when seated and you get to postion them better because of the stand , I'd scan ebay for actama or apollo or a copy of , buy a bag of sharp sand from wickies , slit the top leave it in the house a week and fill the stands with it , blue tack the speakers to the stands play about with postioning , if you dont hear an improvement stick the stands back on ebay and swallow the 3 quid you spent on sand

but I'm sure you'll keep the stands



New member
Aug 21, 2009
IME. The correct stand should make a big fact I believe the speaker and stand should be seen as a cohesive unit. The right stand for any given speaker and room, involves a bit of trial and error (eg. Different levels of filling, coupling / de-coupling, construction material etc)

A good stand should do the following:

- Hold the speaker at the correct height (tweeter at ear level when seated)

- Stable enough to hold the speaker still.

- Correctly deal with resonance from the speaker (A suspended wooden floor requires the speakers to be isolated from it.

Most, but not all speakers, like high-mass, well damped stands...though a bit of experimentation is often the key to success (good imaging with decent tight punchy bass).


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