Dali or Rel subwoofer


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Sep 10, 2014
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I'm putting together a new cinema/hifi system, and I'm after some advice regarding subwoofers. I'm pretty set on a Dali Zensor setup with 3's at the front, Vokal in the centre and 1's at the rear, but I'm undecided on the sub. The Dali E12F seems logical (budget £500), as I really like some of it's features and it will integrate perfectly, however WhatHiFi always give it a bit of grief, making me look for alternatives. Recently in Sevenoaks Sounds I came across REL's T-5, and I was curious to hear your thoughts on either please? Music is an important part of the setup, so would this musical sub be the better bet?

I'm looking to get a Pioneer SC-LX58 (or it's immediate replacement) to run the system, and an Oppo 103D to spin the discs. Any guidance or words of wisdom gratefully received? Thanks


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Oct 24, 2013
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Steelmonkey said:
I'm putting together a new cinema/hifi system, and I'm after some advice regarding subwoofers. I'm pretty set on a Dali Zensor setup with 3's at the front, Vokal in the centre and 1's at the rear, but I'm undecided on the sub. The Dali E12F seems logical (budget £500), as I really like some of it's features and it will integrate perfectly, however WhatHiFi always give it a bit of grief, making me look for alternatives. Recently in Sevenoaks Sounds I came across REL's T-5, and I was curious to hear your thoughts on either please? Music is an important part of the setup, so would this musical sub be the better bet?

I'm looking to get a Pioneer SC-LX58 (or it's immediate replacement) to run the system, and an Oppo 103D to spin the discs. Any guidance or words of wisdom gratefully received? Thanks

if your budget is £500 then my advise would be to look at the BK Subwoofers. no contest at that price point imo


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Apr 7, 2010
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Personally i would go with either the Rel, BK or B&W, the last one i used with Dali Ikons 6's Vocal 2 & Ikon 1's and found very musical. it matched the Dali's very well indeed. So i kept it as you can see with my current system. Best option is to see if you can get a demo on any, or all of your chosen subs..

Regards . f1


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Jan 27, 2011
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When I decided back in 2012 to go with a MA Bronze set up, the Bronze sub was more expensive than the BK XXLS400 which had a much better spec and loads of great reviews. And speaking to BK they recommended the XXLS400 for a 50/50 setup (music/hc).

Compare the specs versus the prices.


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Sep 10, 2014
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Thanks everyone for your help and insight. Really helped me focus.

I managed to test several subwoofers at Richer in Cambridge. The Dali, A Cambridge Audio Aero, and a Rel T-7. The Rel beat them both by miles. And after talking to BK, I've decided to go for their XXLS400-DF. They are even going to fit the new auto power on/off circuit for me - a feature of their new P12. Result!


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