Sympathies, beginning to see that the slot-loading system and the 2010 update STILL haven't solved the reliability problems, I'm afraid it's DAC time for me... problems galore here too albeit with the Discmaster8 (the last DVD player)... 1st one stopped reading all-but-new CD's and DVD's after less than a year. Bought another online from a "large chain" who shall remain anon (unless you think about it), this unit skipped even with new discs. The hardest thing is this... I strained my budget somewhat to go with cyrus and the upgrade paths that that entails largely bacause the performance of the CD6se / 8se couldn't be ignored, and I do love the sheer musicality of all cyrus players when they work. But with the range and price of DACS available now and NAS storage available at a pittance, I just don't have time for this, it's frankly embarrasing "You paid HOW much for your player, and it's broke within a year?"
When I returned the second unit the dealer mentioned the reliability problems Cyrus are having (seemingly mainly with players), it was his last unit, I would have been wanted a refund anyway. Afterwards I found out that Cyrus specifically forbids the selling of their equipment by their dealers mail-order / online so perhaps the dealer shouldn't have sold it to me, he was very helpful however in arranging a return and refund. This did get me thinking, and since Ive built a clear head of steam up with this rant I'll continue....
At first I assumed it was because of some marketing thing, a quirk of upper-mid-range-equipment britishness. But now I am thinking Cyrus knows that the equipment they produce is simply too fragile to be shipped through regular channels. This is the real reason they don't allow dealers to sell through the post. Ive got friends who have worked in shipping warehouses and believe me most of what you get through the post has been thrown around LOTS. I imagine the slightest knock sending a cyrus disc mechanism out of alignment, how else would you explain a £1000+ transport coming back from a factory repair job and still not working properly, are they employing monkeys?
The most damning part... I have a feeling Cyrus know about this and they don't care, it's like a part of the brand now... me banging on about it is like phoning up Aston Martin about their reliability issues. In fact owning Cyrus player seems exactly like owning an Aston, it's said you aren't a true petrol-head until youve owned an Aston, experienced the sheer pleasure, then had the heartache of it breaking down, then seen sense and got rid of it for something way more reliable (but slightly less magical).....remind you of anything?