On my 6 perspex I have belt residue on the platter. Any advices,how to clean it without any damage on the platter. Platter is matt black and I think it is MDF.
That or cotton wool and methylated spirit. Allow to dry thoroughly before replacing beltIf you can TEST ON AN UNSEEN PART OF THE PLATTER such as the underside - to ensure no harm - Isopropyl alcohol is a good cleaner.
Personally I would let it be. It may be possible that some of the dried paint would get onto the belt and this might cause slippage problems.Thank you for answers, alcohol helped and it is clear now. In some parts there are visible stains, looks like by rubbing I "cleaned" black color also. I will respray it wit matt black color and it will be like new.
Or you suggest to let it as it is with kind of patina?