Christmas is coming . . .


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. . . I'm posting this for the benefit of any shop (or indevidual) that might like to ad to the view, as expressed in the final paragraph. Or any I'm kicking the cartridge option about, place my order to day for a Rega after market, machined aluminium ISO-sub-platter and replacement Ruby bearing kit. What about the cartridge, at this moment I have a problem with waxed up ears, a problem I have suffered with from my teens, every 6 months its syringe time, all sorted next Monday morning, see the light from the other side . . . :) So, sub-platter evaluation then, live with it over Christmas if it 'does what it says on the tin' that is? Then between Christmas/New year, have the week off as holiday, the only official holiday I take all year. Jump in the car and drive a distance to audition M2 Blue v M2 Black, weather permitting? I've use a site that has 2 minute down load samples of various cartridges, some are a bit old, but I have the down loads samples for: Denon 304 Denon 160 Dynovector 10x5 Goldring 1042 Grado Ref Sonata 1 (master 1 UK) Decca Jubilee Ortofon M2 Black All strong contenders for my hard earned for various reasons at various times recently, there are other on the site, not to my liking, equally there are cartridges I have considered that are not there. So, I've don a lot of sampling over the past few weeks, but the ears have finally got me doubting my self, wheel Hazel in, bless her. I played random samples to her, she was totally blind, finally, three lots of three samples. She picked the same cartridge every time!!! with no prompting from me. I was surprised at the Sonata, £600, should have stood head and shoulders, I would have thought? We liked the Denon 304 a lot, but it was the finness of the M2 Black that won through for Hazel, and me, if truth were told. So its Ortofon M2 Black at the top of the shopping list, Denon 304 a close second and a considerable saving, the only dark horse and cheap option is the Grado Platinum 1, really well reviewed . . . I've not heard it but have the option to home dem, I think its probably on a par with the Blue, I already have that, so no point in a change for the sake of, so the Black will get a run out after Christmas Anyone reading this, if you have a suggestion . . . cartridge wise! . . . I'm all ears or will be on Monday, especially any shops that might like to offer an option and back up there sugestion, as I say, I'm doing the rounds in the Christmas , New Year week. CJSF


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I procrastinated about what new cart to get for months (as many of you will remember!). I looked into every online review I could get hold of, until I found a cart that had universally good reviews. That cart for me was the Grado Reference Platinum 1. Beautifully delicate and airy highs a lush midrange and strong, tight bass. For me it's the perfect cart. I think it's brilliant value for money. I won't ever change to another model or brand.

One word of caution, though; Some have said that they have a humming problem when used with Rega TT. I haven't had any probs at all with the cart on my Dec, but it's best to give you the heads up anyway.

shropshire lad

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bretty said:
I procrastinated about what new cart to get for months (as many of you will remember!). I looked into every online review I could get hold of, until I found a cart that had universally good reviews. That cart for me was the Grado Reference Platinum 1. Beautifully delicate and airy highs a lush midrange and strong, tight bass. For me it's the perfect cart. I think it's brilliant value for money. I won't ever change to another model or brand.

Never say " never" , Bretty . You may remember that I also have the same cartridge ( and arm ,as it happens) as you , but when the time comes to change it I shall certainly not be discounting other makes and models . I can imagine that I might be looking at moving coils at the £500.00 mark ,and there is quite alot of choice at that price point . Even Ortofon will be considered !

However, that won't happen for a number years yet so , like you , I'll enjoy what I've got ,



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shropshire lad said:
bretty said:
I procrastinated about what new cart to get for months (as many of you will remember!). I looked into every online review I could get hold of, until I found a cart that had universally good reviews. That cart for me was the Grado Reference Platinum 1. Beautifully delicate and airy highs a lush midrange and strong, tight bass. For me it's the perfect cart. I think it's brilliant value for money. I won't ever change to another model or brand.

Never say " never" , Bretty . You may remember that I also have the same cartridge ( and arm ,as it happens) as you , but when the time comes to change it I shall certainly not be discounting other makes and models . I can imagine that I might be looking at moving coils at the £500.00 mark ,and there is quite alot of choice at that price point . Even Ortofon will be considered !

However, that won't happen for a number years yet so , like you , I'll enjoy what I've got ,


Hey Nick,

yep, I remember that you have the Grado, too (if it was on my recommedation, i'm glad you like it!). Why I say i'll never change cart again, is because my outlook on hifi has changed over the last 4 or 5 months. Hi fi had been a massive part of my life for the last three years, but now i'm focusing my time and attention on other things, and now I don't think of my set up, as such, I just enjoy the music. So, basically, no more upgrades for me. It's a nice place to be.


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DIB said:
More than happy with my set-up (.....unless my 6 numbers come up of course!)

TBH your Systemdek IIX/RB250/G1042 (or Audio-Note TT1 as it is now called) would be about the level of performance i'd be content with. Even with a Lotto rollover win.

I have never liked 'skeletal' or perspex turntables (even Lotto millionaires get dust) and prefer more traditional turntables with lids - not giant cake covers :)

Maybe I would splurge on something like this...


...with the same SME M2-9 arm as pictured.

I let a lovely, boxed TD-166 MkII go on ebay last week (it sold for £185) because of Christmas looming.

But in the new-year ... maybe.

(I still have about 90 LPs in superb condition and can't be bothered to sell them.)

CJSF... good luck with the new sub platter and the Grado (or whatever you get). I have owned the Ortofon 2M Blue and a Goldring 1042 (preferred the 2M Blue) but you probably need a really good moving-coil to satisfy your quest for that "1980s sound" that came from your stripped-down SPU.


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chebby said:
Maybe I would splurge on something like this...

...with the same SME M2-9 arm as pictured.
Me too...well maybe. Actually I'd love to hear how the sound of the current TD160-HD compares to that of my current mk1 TD160, so long as I had the spare money to buy it if I loved it.
My TD160 set my dad back about £80 when he bought it in the early 70s. That compares to about £750 now, give or take a few pounds either way. The current TD160-HD more than doubles that.


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I take the point, listening to music is the name of the game, Hazel and I do a lot of listening, we are not much on TV. I do have a fertile mind and many years of 'old experience' that keeps bubbling away, some times not in the right direction I will admit.

Perhaps I get to enthusiastic? . . . However, I've not actually made many changes to the P5, but it does benefit from a tweak hear and there, acrylic platter, VTA shim, white drive belt and ISOweight. That is it, lots of cable upgrades are on offer, special feet, bearings, total arm rebuilds . . . it goes on and on and . . . !

There is a lot of flim-flam talked and 'kings new clothes' garbage . . . I will defend the changes I've made as 'better', if I had to, I can prove it . . . I dont intend to go there, but I could . . . as I did with speaker stands, I proved it, and still some people laughed, pearls before swine!

The changes on my P5 are significant to me . . . the one other change I made this weekend gone, was to tune the damping I had installed on the plastic sub-platter. The same as I tuned speaker stands, make the energy in the stand believe it was dealing with low mass, I applied the thinking to the sub-platter damping. I asked the damping material supplier to send me some specific thicknesses, which I interspersed with the original material. First try was awful, I thought its would have been better . . . :? ho-hum, got similar anomalies on stands sometimes . . .

The second try was excellent, the base tightened, mid range was unaltered, the upper mid improved. The most significant change was cleaning up the image. I can now listen to a choir, clearly hearing all its sections and placement along with picking out individual voices. Miserere has also taken on this sectioned, individual image, just like I had it in my audiophile system back then, not sure, may be better?

So for minimal effort I have moved my systems musicality up at least a couple of notches from standard P5??? for not a lot of cash but a fair bit of sideways thinking.

Stop and listen? been doing that all along the way. There is not much more to do now, I want to try a proper machined sub-platter/bearing assembly, the new bearing is closer tolerance and low coefficient surfaces. Plastic sub-platter is just that, 'plastic' and I have fudged it. The new item is on 'try and return' if it does not work.

Ortofon Blue 2M is doing an amazing job IMHO. It can get a little rough around the edges sometimes . . . the Black is smoother, with a little more width and depth in the image they say, that will be the icing on the cake, nothing more to do . . . Short of sell all and start again:wall: I dont think so . . . you might think I'm mad, I am not . . .

So, a cartridge that has the qualities of the Blue but smoother is my quest, lets a lot of the would be's out. The sampling highlighted the M2 Black and the Denon 304 . . . its been a hard haul for me, dealing with personal problems, putting the jigsaw back together, but I feel I'm there now, hifi is an anchor, I love my music . . . that should be 'we', Hazel and me . . . :dance:

Baby Croft, amazingly keeps pace, as do the PMC LB1's on their Foundation Designer stands. I'm a firm believer in the better the signal in, the better it comes out, you can't ad information once it is in the system, you can colour it, but you can't ad. Get it right off the record is the only way. The only other thing is to be sure the viewing window is clean; . . . make sure the speakers are doing their job the best they can . . . proper supports . . . thats another story aint it :shhh:

Fundamentals . . . presentation at the stylus . . . presentation at the speakers . . . everything else is potential colouration . . . clean signal from start to finish . . . think about it? CJSF


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chebby said:
CJSF... good luck with the new sub platter and the Grado (or whatever you get). I have owned the Ortofon 2M Blue and a Goldring 1042 (preferred the 2M Blue) but you probably need a really good moving-coil to satisfy your quest for that "1980s sound" that came from your stripped-down SPU.

You are right chebby, but I dont think the P5 is the right TT for an SPU, believe me I have considered the SPU Gold very long and hard. The SPU alone would start me off on another much wider round of upgrades . . . no, no, no :wall:

I have squeezed the well almost dry on money and SQ, this last little push will be the end I think. It will be a sense of achievement to get close to the old days, on a budget, no budget in those days! . . . its music all the way . . . :dance: CJSF


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