Ceiling speaker wire


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I'm doing a kitchen extension and want to run wires for later installation of a sound system (when budget allows!) Is there a specific type of speaker wire that's best to use or is it the same as normal speakers? Or like all things nowadays - is there a choice of 16 million different types!?


If the speaker maker has a recommendation, go with that, unless it is some brand name nonsense. 'Normal' speaker cable will do fine. I would avoid bell wire, the very thin stuff and if you needs lots you can buy off the reel at the likes of Maplins. You could also look for Van Damme and Proel speaker cable. Both are cheap, tough and very flexible which may help if it is going to be fitted into a ceiling. You will find sellers on ebay. Contact them for lengths and prices.
If your extension and its wiring is subject to inspection, you may well find specific cables have to be used to meet building regulations. Cable companies should be able to advise which types meet specification.


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