davedotco said:
David@FrankHarvey said:
andyjm said:
It is very simple to produce your own 16/44.1 file from a 24/96 file - foobar will do it for you. You can then compare two files with exactly the same master, the only difference being bit depth and sample rate.
But if they're from a different master, which seems to be the case based on what is being said here, then they will be different. Then again, downsampling a 24/96 file to 16/44 file removes any possible benefit the 24/96 file had. Does a 1080p film made (downconverted) from a 4K remaster look as good, and have the same level of detail as a full fat 4K film? If the 24/96 had been produced by upsampling from a 16/44 file, then of course, there should be no difference.
Is Foobar a program they use in studios I wonder?
You really do not understand this do you?
The process described by andyjm is the 'gold standard' for investigating the worthiness or otherwise of hi-res playback in the home.
The process is simple, select any hi-res track to your choice, pick one that you think shows off hi-res at its best.
Use Foobar (v.2.x) to downsample the file to 16/44.1, then use the built in ABX comparator to compare the two versions of the same track from the same master.
Good luck picking one from the other.
Exactly. I did this on this forum a while back. I bought a few tracks, recommended by some golden ears forumite, here, and I downsampled to CD quality.
I then null-tested the 16/44 and 24/96 version of the same recording.
The only difference was inaudible (some HF stuff at -90 DB) and the resultant file when played back was completely silent.
I've repeated the experiment at least half a dozen times on various so-called studio master recordings and the result is always the same. "The SACD/ HD version, when downsampled to CD quality is indistinguishable from the original".
It's the mastering that counts, and yes, anything above 16/44 is utterly pointless.
And yes, some SACDs sound better than the CD release, and some HD downloads sound better than the CD or CD quality download, but in every case, it's because it is a different master.
I even found one HD recording that compared against the CD quality download from the same vendor, sounded slightly "different". And it turned out that it was about a second longer for the same song. Almost imperceptable, but different.
All these pointless debates, especially from people who say "trust your ears" and ignore the basic facts, are simply irritating and one reason I rarely frequent forums such as this any more.