ok. first, looks would never play a part. I`m not driving in asda`s car park doing pimp my ride for approval. Second: use my ears, of course. I can tell the difference between an audible sound and a noise that irritates me. Third: Completely ignore the salesman. Fourth: choose my components and play some of my favourite tracks and some of my not so favourable. Fifth: Probably stand there completely dumbstruck because i liked them all. Sixth: More than likely strecth my budget and buy. Something missing though! Can`t realy see the difference between that and making a purchase based on a review. Lets steeer the subject slightly. go a bit deeper to whats music was about, expression, feeling, memories. How many artists took hi fi components into comsideration when they were ( are ) writing songs and music. Many people love classical, dont think mozart was considering the output sound on a hi fi when writing. And before you start, yes i know some companies are trying to replicate the true sound, but thats it. Trying to replicate and tell us how it should sound when we listen to it. However, walk into a HI FI shop, enter the demo room and i`m instantly an expert because i chose the audiphile route. I dont think so, probably 50% off purchases are on the back of marketing, the manufacturers know this. All this is between you and me drummerman and i value your input, but i`m waiting for the big guns to come out with their opinion.