JohnDuncan:Any Marantz player within any given budget is worth investigating, yes - and if there's a KI variant, even more so.
Strange you should say that, Marantz lower priced CD players always sound hollow and lightweight to me...
Does no-one have experience of the Yamaha CD-S1000 or 2000?
The SA7001-KI JD refers to was the last of the KI branded players, Marantz now opting to drop the "KI" suffix, although Ken Ishiwata still has a major input into the product range (see the KI Pearls out recently, but £2,500 each). The 8003 is the descendant of the 7001KI. I can wholeheartedly recommend the latter player, had it for about 18 months now and it's truly magnificent. No qualms whatsoever - both SACD and CD are excellent.
That said, it's, not the bassiest machine out there, rather possessing an articulate and very nippy bass, which does realism more than it does out and out grunt. Don't partner it with bass-shy speakers or amps and you'll do fine. I could live with this player for a very long time and in the current set up it's all about the music, a system I could sit back with for hours on end (and have).
Incidentally, the Yamaha kit range is good too - and both players you mention also have SACD. If funds are limited, don't write off Onkyo's £350 SACD player, which Patrick Cleasby rates well in a recent review in Hi Fi World. WHFS&V rated it as a 3 star player, but partnered with the right gear, I'm sure the player has more potential than the review gave the Onkyo player and amp credit for.