CARAT Reviews - A57, C57, T57 or I57


New member
Aug 22, 2008
Having heard the Amp and CD in question at the Bristol Show would it be possible for the What Hifi Team to audition them? It would appear that Icon Distribution UK Ltd can source these products ( The official website for Carat comes under for anyone who is curious.
The CARAT A57 costing £1000.00 was reviewed in the March 2009 issue and it managed only 2 stars!!!

A rubbish product.
The CARAT A57 costing £1000.00 was reviewed in the March 2009 issue and it managed only 2 stars!!!

A rubbish product.

Have you heard the product, or are you making the comment based on one review from one magazine? There are plenty of other reviews in other magazines which say it is an outstanding product, a taste of the high end. Just because some reviewers on one magazine write a negative review doesn't necessarily mean the product is "rubbish". And, as What Hi Fi always stress, you should always listen yourself.
I've heard it, and it's rubbish mate! And yes, I go with WHF everytime! Nothing's stopping you from buying them though
You go with What HiFi every time??? Whatever happened to freedom of thought and opinion?.

The Carats, which I too have heard and thought OK, come highly regarded in many other magazines and forums. Perhaps an explanation of what exactly you found "rubbish", the both of you, might help?
Go buy it dude. Your money, your choice. What I go with is my choice too....comprende?
Gentlemen please, such passion over Createur d Emotion.

Icon distribution will quite happily deliver the Carats to any Hifi Dealer in the UK as I spoke to their Commercial Director to allow customers to make comparisons against other systems which is now my next step. With my wife now showing an interest in the separates system thanks to the Bristol show I can now source items for a CD/AMP/SPKRS system around 3K and have a year in my quest as I will have sufficient funds by next March.

c'est la vie.
Tarquinh, I totally agree. I have read quite a few reviews from French to English on these and I bit the bullet and bought the A57, C57 and T57. With my setup they work really well and I am shocked that they were rated so badly. I have been reading What HiFi reviews for years and have always been normally impressed by reviews in the past and how true they were to the products when listening to them in a demo room or home. The Carats, However. I do disagree with as they are way better than 2 Stars for the amp and 3 stars for the CD Player. To my ears they sound better than my old Technics SU-600 and Nad C515BEE combo and also Sony STRDG820 and Nad C515BEE combo afterwards which also sounded quite good to my ears. Of course this is just my opinion and may sound different to others and I am sure different leads and speakers also come into play.
Coldfusion:Tarquinh, I totally agree. I have read quite a few reviews from French to English on these and I bit the bullet and bought the A57, C57 and T57. With my setup they work really well and I am shocked that they were rated so badly. I have been reading What HiFi reviews for years and have always been normally impressed by reviews in the past and how true they were to the products when listening to them in a demo room or home. The Carats, However. I do disagree with as they are way better than 2 Stars for the amp and 3 stars for the CD Player. To my ears they sound better than my old Technics SU-600 and Nad C515BEE combo and also Sony STRDG820 and Nad C515BEE combo afterwards which also sounded quite good to my ears. Of course this is just my opinion and may sound different to others and I am sure different leads and speakers also come into play.

WHFI always base their findings and grade it on pound-per-sound. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Nads were the budget models and Technics is pretty old now, so comparing it to a £1,000 amp/cdp one would expect the 1,000 pounder to show significant gains over a budget set-up. I've personally not heard the Carat, so can't comment on the sound, just the review findings.
EvilWolf:Go buy it dude. Your money, your choice. What I go with is my choice too....comprende?

EvilWolf your arrogance and way with words is quite spellbinding. So you are suggesting because WHF gave it 2 stars, then it must be rubbish. Have you actually listened to this amp? You are also displaying a great deal of ignorance by suggesting that one should only buy products based on star ratings. These ratings are only one magazine's opinion. You should be able to listen and form your own opinion rather than relying on other people's opinions. Please read the owner's comments on the WHF review of this amp and then maybe you will understand why it is important to listen first and then make an informed choice.
EDITED BY MODS - please do not discuss moderation. And by the way, no - you don't recall correctly
JohnDuncan:Although of course he did write that 18 months ago. Maybe he's mellowed since...

Sorry, didn't see date of original post.
Carat have now unfortunately stopped trading.

I didnt agree with the two star review as the products we have heard in store all perfomed well. Perhaps not five stars at the price point but still very much worth a listen. At the prices the last of the stock has been going at they represent a bargain though.


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