Ok, ill throw my opinion into the pot
Ive used aftermarket mains cables for about 8 years now. 3 different manufacturers cables, and different models from 2 of those manufacturers.
I believe they do make a difference. Im actually prepared to say that a good mains cable can have a greater effect on a systems sound than speaker cable or interconnects
The cable i have on my cd player contains copper and pure silver(fairly high end). The cable on my pre amp is silver plated copper and fairly budget(about £40).
Yesterday, i decided to swap the 2 cables around(for a test) as it is said that different power cables can have different effect's on source components, pre amps and power amps etc.
Well, some of you will understand my findings, others wont. When i swapped the cables round, bass power and depth completely reduced, to the point where certain bass notes were now almost muted.
So this really does answer the question. CABLES DO NOT ALL SOUND THE SAME

Ive used aftermarket mains cables for about 8 years now. 3 different manufacturers cables, and different models from 2 of those manufacturers.
I believe they do make a difference. Im actually prepared to say that a good mains cable can have a greater effect on a systems sound than speaker cable or interconnects

The cable i have on my cd player contains copper and pure silver(fairly high end). The cable on my pre amp is silver plated copper and fairly budget(about £40).
Yesterday, i decided to swap the 2 cables around(for a test) as it is said that different power cables can have different effect's on source components, pre amps and power amps etc.
Well, some of you will understand my findings, others wont. When i swapped the cables round, bass power and depth completely reduced, to the point where certain bass notes were now almost muted.
So this really does answer the question. CABLES DO NOT ALL SOUND THE SAME