Cambridge Audio CXN100 vs CXN (V2): which music streamer is better?


May 11, 2024
The difference in user interface between the cxn v2 and cxn100 is greater than your review suggests. If, like me, you make significant use of the USB port, it's very great indeed. In the cxn100 the front panel controls are basically vestigial with respect to any music loaded on a flash drive. Directory navigation and file selection must be done via the StreamMagic app. And even settings (including set-up) require the app.

Moving the USB port to the back may have simplified the front panel, but I found it inconvenient and chose to "re-clutter" the unit with a USB extension cable. As for the design change requiring a network connection to play music from the USB port, it seemed a little nuts to me from the start. And after having to reboot my router twice and otherwise trouble-shooting a flaky cellphone connection, I'm sure of it.

I'm sticking with the cxn100 due to it's ability to play higher resolution files, but I'm keeping the v2 handy for when I need to contact Larry the Cable Guy.


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