CAM + TOP UP TV CARD FOR panny tx-p37c10b ?


New member
May 26, 2008
hope someone can help ....

i'm after a conditional access module ( CAM ) and top up tov card fpr my panny tv ... i dont want to be forced into getting the espn ones as dont want espn.... want to be able to put on sky sports now and again if needed 🙂

can anyone point me in the right direction ? dont want to pay an activation fee if possible as well
Don't think TUTV CAMs are availabe anymore (they only seem interested in selling STBs, rather than providing CAMs for people with IDTVs/Freeview boxes with CI slots) only the ESPN CAMs.
damn ........with teh espn cams , i take it i can cancel subscripton ? and i can also get the sky sports stuff if i phone top-up tv ?
well i phoned up topuptv .... as i had gone into pc world/ currys and saw a espn cam with card ... but after asking the whoel thing is locked to espn and you can't subscribe to other stuff......which seems abit odd to me

anyway.........tutv said they have a card coming out in teh next few weeks that will allow me to go doqwn the sky sports route 🙂 left my details and they will get back to me ......although woman couldn't give me a price

crazy system if you ask me ... don't know why they dont have the cards to be able to do anything you want , just phone them up to change what you want.......sighs


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