Newbie Set-Up


New member
Sep 24, 2013
:roll: Sorry if this been answered in previous threads.

Hey Guys,

Firstly - Newbie to the site but have been a follow for some time, as i couldn't find a answer or any direction for my set-up i decided to finally register.

OK, I'm moving out into a small 2 bedroom house and need advise on my set up. My ultimate goal here is to listen to music in both bedrooms, the front room and have the potential to expand to the garden (if and when we get any sun in this lovely country). I DO want to be able to stream films to the frontroom and bedrooms but the essentials here are the music in each room, i want to have the option to only have select rooms playing music and i want to be able to listen to music in one room and potentially watch films in the other.

So far my thoughts are below, what i really need help with is 1. If its possible 2. Recommendations on the speakers 3. Any cheaper alternatives.

My plan is to buy a WD TV LIVE HUB, connect this to the TV - (Frontroom) and also connect it directly into my router so it runs as a NAS.

I already have a PC, this will be connected to my router and i will sync it to my WD HUB to keep it up to date with my music.

In each bedroom hooked up to the TV i was going to run WD TV LIVE (- hub).

From my understanding this will basically do what i require in the bedrooms and front room if I have the TVs on and use the TV speakers for each device? Now what i need to do is find some kind of wireless speakers that i can then connect up in each bedroom and the front room to expand the sound, what would be really useful is if the speakers in the front room could also connect up to my Sky box or my planned XBOX ONE/PS4 (still undecided).

I'm really in confusion how to do this, i orignally looked into squeezebox, SONOS, etc etc. My main issue is i don't want to have to buy a whole Home Cinema set-up and then on top have a SONOS system running purely for the wireless music, i want to be able to utalize the things i buy so that i can use the speakers for all needs but still wirelessly, i.e. watch a film with the speakers in the front room while somebody is streaming from the HUB in the bedroom listening to music??

Any thoughts would be great, please do stop yourself if your a SONOS owner from tempting me i relaly have thought about it but as a lot of people have argued, I'm not spending that kind of money, price wise is sort of fine IF i could use it to watch my films etc etc but i can't so i really don't want to go down that route, i've sort of read up on squeezebox but its discontinued and prices are rising, plus getting involved with something discontinued seems stupid to me and I'm still not sure if it would work. WD has always been reliable to me i have passports already and i never really se major downs on WD equipment.

Thanks in advance!
From what I've found doing my own research, you can probably go 'cheap', but it'll be a Heath Roinson set up that'll need alot of attention or you can go down the Sonos (or similar) route and 'plug n play'. (BTW, I don't own Sonos kiy - yet!)


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