Gazzip said:
Wow. You guys crack me up. You bang on about ABX testing being the panacea of truth, and then disparage these ideas and products without having even tried them. You have zero point of reference. Nada. Zip. Nothing. Talk about the blind trying to lead the blind! Hilarious.
There is an old story about a guy who goes to a doctor, who examines him for 3 minutes, writes a prescription and then charges him £500. "I'm not paying you £500 for 3 minutes work", says the patient, "No" says the doctor, "You are paying me for 30 years experience".
Many of us on here have been at this for a while. Lets say there is a product which involves wearing a pair of special blue socks to improve the sound quality of your system. Most would dismiss that (rightly) as nonsense.
If you have been designing and using audio equipment for 30 years, then experience and knowledge would suggest that putting speaker cables on little supports is no different to putting on a pair of blue socks.
Now there is always the possibility of a 'Black Swan' event, but in this case, I am willing to bet my experience and knowledge that this isn't one of them.