Cable Advice - Let the wild rumpus start!


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2009
So I'm absolutely loving my benchmark DAC1! However, I'm still using the $20 cable I purchased with the unit to connect my CDP to the DAC. It's a odd digital cable because it's BNC to RCA. The cable is shockingly well constructed and the terminators are actually better than I've seen with typical high end cables. I guess because benchmark is a pro-audio company.

My question...The only stock cable I've found so far that proviades BNC to RCA is a Kimber Illuminations D60 which sells for $225. Not chump change for a cable that might well make no difference at all. And, to make it worse, probably couldn't sell it later since it's not the usual RCA to RCA.

Comments appreciated.
So I'm absolutely loving my benchmark DAC1!

Job done! Don't worry about the cable.

But once the cable gets sorted what is next?? Do you then question what else needs to be changed to get the best out of the system??

I suppose that is the whole spiral to Hifi upgrades though innit!

(I've certainly been there to be fair!)

As far as the cable is concerned though. Will Kimber let you try the cable?? At least you will have something to measure the Benchmark one against and see if you notice an improvement....
Actually, the kimber dealer I emailed specifically mentioned no returns since it's a non standard termination. But another wrinkle, I just found a cheap alternative to the kimber I could try:

For $29 I could try their cable. Hmmm... I really wish the kimber cable was more like $75 or $100. I'd probably just do it for that money. $225 is another story. I did find a stereophile review of the Kimber cable and it was very positive. EDITED BY MODS - house rules violation
I've been using a D60 for some years and think it's fantastic - having started on the lower models and upgraded to reach D60 level ..... then later changed my CD to a single box unit, so never bothered going to the Select model cable. But still use the D60 on my DVD player and loving it ....
Getting tailor made cables is either going to cost you a fortune or you'll get a handy hint which I occasionally make the mistake of giving out too often! (No I don't make commission plugging this chap!) Labouring on an old horse here

If you get in touch with Mark Grant at Mark Grant Cables he'll make you a cable up at a much more reasonable price than a custom made Kimber Cable. Excellent quality, I have a number of oddity cables from him. Thoroughly recommended. Let me know how you get on.