bw cdm1 se will match ?? amp?

Great speakers, I used to have a pair myself.

Not sure what you mean when you say you want advice on whether you should buy 'a stereo amp or mono amp'? Do you mean should you go for an integrated amplifier or a pre amp and power amp set up? How much do you have to spend? Are you willing to buy used gear or does it have to be new?
As above really?

Are you after an integrated or do you want a pre/power combo

Also whats your budget and do you already have a source (i.e. CDP, iPod via DAC etc...)? What music do you generally listen to as well?

IMO for B&W speakers you'll not go far wrong with the likes of Arcam, Rotel, NAD, Creek and Roksan

Althoguh in saying that the right Cyrus amp can sound very good with B&W as well
Always remember putting together a B&W CDM1se/Audiolab 8000a/Marantz CD17 system, which worked extremely well together. The CDM1se's do like a lot of bass control, so don't settle for a budget amplifier, as many won't get the job done. My starting point would be the earlier 8000a (not the current one), but if you can pick up an 8000p/c pre power, they'd definitely do the trick!!

Otherwise I'd be recommending the Arcam A28, Cyrus 8xp, Harman Kardon HK990, Primare I21, Rega Elicit, or the Yamaha AS1000. The very entry level point I wouldn't go below would be a Rotel RA1520, which would roughly be on par with the earlier 8000a's. The Audiolab or Rotel would be ideal if you want to keep the budget down.


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