Well-known member
I spoke too soon! 🤣I'm waiting for them to be packaged with Marantz PM6007s online, which will just show the money grabbing tendencies of online stores who have zero ability to offer genuinely curated packages.
I spoke too soon! 🤣I'm waiting for them to be packaged with Marantz PM6007s online, which will just show the money grabbing tendencies of online stores who have zero ability to offer genuinely curated packages.
The connectors go through a small panel secured with torx screws. I might open that up to check. But also a troubleshooting protocol on what to check from B&W would be nice too 🙂If you are measuring with a multimeter do it on the lowest resistance setting. The reading should be below the nominal impedance of the speaker. An 8-ohm speaker will probably read between 6 or 7 ohms. Most importantly, a pair of speakers should be about the same. Harbeth check each driver before installation to pick the best matched pairs. I don't expect other manufacturers are do precise!
If your speaker is reading 4 on a meter, it's going to go well below that at some frequencies.
How are the boxes sealed? Can you test individual components within the speakers to find the problem?
I swapped one, but then the second blew. And for a second time, only the second kept blowing. They are related to the V+ and V- and not particularly to any channel as I understand. They are there to protect the MOSFETs (all four of them)….and nothing more 😆that is very strange , if the fuses keep blowing it must be other matter as normally people i know that spend a lot of money in a new system normally they have non driveable capabilty to 4ohms speakers but they use them,
it never stops working but after some time the amplifier and the speakers get damaged not stop working but about the fuses normally aren´t for the impedance as it is a very low volatge in their magnetic specifications not sure now if are microvolts ,
the fuse normally is to protect the speakers against too much high´s to not blow a tweeter but it depends i never had seen that , but it can be just not knowing how it works for impedance
yes , but it says it can work with amplifiers minimum 4ohms but in my manual says 8ohms impedance ,maybe it depends on the year of release mine are from late 90´s SE at the end of the designation or CDM7SE, sorry for my bad english ,i´m portuguese, i speak better than i writteI don't really fully understand that sentence, but it's in the manual - 8ohms nominal, 4ohms minimum.