What I've been told by some very reputable amplifier circuit designers, repair techs and DIY-ers - modern amps are old amps in new cases, with new brochures. TrevC's Sony and ID's Genelec active speakers both use a Sanyo STK module in the power amp section, and that was used in budget Technics amps for at least 30 years now. No innovation and advancement was introduced in mass scale production sinc the 80's. Class D finaly cought up with other topology after 5 decades of struggle, but it's hardly anything new pushing the sonic boundaries.
When you buy a new amp, you buy exactly that, a new amp. Fresh capacitors, clean switches and pots, everything nicely factory set and calibrated. How good it sounds depends how well you chose it for your application and preferences.
The Arcam is hardly a power house, actually very comparable to the other budget amps mentioned in the thread. But it's aging and needs maintanance. You can spend money on that or buy a new amp. I'm with eggontoast with this and I would get the Alpha 9 fixed/cleaned/calibrated by a technician. It's a classic British amp that will soon enter the vintage category and increase its cool factor.