Well-known member
CnoEvil said:steve_1979 said:Just my 2 pence worth.
Last year I tried Black Ravioli in a shop and couldn't hear any difference. I tried it with both solid state amplifiers and a valve amp and it made no noticable difference to the sound.
I also tried putting the amplifiers on top of one of the speakers (without any Black Ravioli) and played bassy music to maximise the vibrations being transmitred to them and even this didn't make any difference to the sound quality.
My conclusion from this experiment is that a small amount of vibration shouldn't have any effect on an amplifier. If an amplifier does sound different when it's vibrated a little bit then it should be avoided IMO.
I remember, but it's not quite the whole story.
When I asked about the demo, you said the shop guy had placed the pads under the feet instead of under the chasis. If placed under the feet it has little or no effect, and I pointed this out at the time.
Here is the thread (post 4):
You are more prepared than most to give stuff a try, but whatever chance this has to work, it needs to used as instructed.
I do intend to give them another try with them placed in various different positions. One day soon...