Bi-wire speaker cable recommendation


New member
Aug 9, 2007
I find that my present system is slightly lacking in detail, clarity and sparkle and would certainly appreciate some suggestions for a new set of bi-wire speaker cables to replace my present Transparent HP14-4. I wonder if the QED Silver Anniversary XT would be suitable. If not, I can also consider alternatives up to GBP20 per metre.

The rest of my system is: Unison Research Unico amp, Cyrus CD6s CD player, B&W N805 speakers, Cardas Neutral Reference interconnects, Clearer Audio Silverline mains cable for the CD player, and Transparent Powerlink Plus mains cable for the amp.

Thanks in advance.
I'm waiting to take delivery of some Van Den Hul Tea Track (really) which is a bi-wire version of the CS-122 - highly recommended in the WHFS&V buyers guide. The Aussie distributor reckons the biwire version sounds better for some reason. If you give me a week or two I'll come back and let you know what I think but I've had it recommended by a few stores now and here.
I guess it also depends what you want to pay and what money you can get your cable for. I started off looking at the Silver Anniversary too but it was so expensive in Australia that I canned it. VDH cables are very good value here, dont know about elsewhere.
OK would appreciate your feedback later, Damien. What are your existing cables that you'll be able to compare the Tea Track with?
No-brand copper stranded stuff (single wired) so it won't be much of a comparison but I'm expecting an improvement for the investment ; )
Imho if you want more sparkle and freshnes don't use VdH , in the past i've tried many IC's and Ls cable's of VdH.

there was often a rolled of treble a very warm mid, and a bit of loose slugish low. (I think it's in the carbon that is used)

Here in Holland VdH cable is often used to tame bright sounding kit.

Qed sa xt or xt350/400, Nordost cables would be a better bet.

But it's all a matter of taste so try before you buy.
Actually you're quite right there about VDH cables. My experience with a few of their interconnects and even their mains cable is exactly how you described.
You're probably right and the bright nature of the MA RS6's contributed to my decision and I have to say that in my system at least, the VDH sound great, absolutely spot on - beautifully low lows and sharp, detailed top end, lovely mid-range too - nothing to complain about here at all. My system was completely missing midrange before and its nice now and given you're using a Cyrus player, if VDH are known to tame bright kit, then I'd give them a listen at least as Cyrus and Monitor Audio are both notoriously bright brands. I guess you've got to match your kit carefully and you'll only know by trying them out - I was lucky enough to be able to listen to my CD player, speakers and cables all together in the store. The only missing link was my amp.
[quote user="Daaf"]Nordost cables would be a better bet[/quote]

Nordost is overrated and over priced! If anti-cables people started an dabate you can garantee that Nordost would be use as an example.
Almost all cables are (way) overpriced not only Nordost.

The topicstater wanted more freshnes and sparkle in his system and asked for cable suggestions.

My encounters with Nordost always had bit of pronounced treble and a leaner and faster sound than many other cables, so there is the freshness and sparkle.

And your remark about anti-cables people reminded me of paul spelz Anticable

i've tried them and this is "high-end" on the cheap.

In my system they where in some ways better than the Kimber 8TC i use (faster, cleaner )but to my likes the kimber was the better compromise in the end.

So i think the Anticable would be even a better bet for your wallet and sound 🙂 than Nordost

@hifikrazy now that i think of have you already tried another interconnect, Cardas "house sound" is to my knowledge known as a bit darker and more forgiving than other brands.