Bi Wire Centre speaker.....................benefits?


New member
May 27, 2009
Currently upgrading speaker cable to Chord Odyssey 4 for the Left and Right Front speakers, which are bi-amped from the Yamaha amp.

Also need to upgrade Centre speaker with Odyssey, so the dilemma is to bi-wire or not!

Reason I ask is that I also have the Hi Level output from the sub wired in to the Centre speaker as well, as it stands before the upgrade this has added extra weight and depth to the Centre speaker after much trial and error.

So, if I bi-wire what real benefits could I expect, or would a single pair of Odyssey be sufficient connected up as I currently have

Want to get the cabling ordered hence the question

Thanks in advance
As usual, theres 2 sides to this

Either it helps, or it makes no difference

When I first tried bi-wiring on my mission 780s from years back, it made a hugh difference.

A lot of people have stated its made no difference though. So it seems its speaker specific

What id suggest is use some cheaper cable single wired for a while. Get used to how it sounds then biwire using the same cable. If your happy it makes a difference then buy whatever cable you wish (personally id buy Van Damme, saving yourself a whole heap of money)
As usual, theres 2 sides to this

Either it helps, or it makes no difference

When I first tried bi-wiring on my mission 780s from years back, it made a hugh difference.

A lot of people have stated its made no difference though. So it seems its speaker specific

What id suggest is use some cheaper cable single wired for a while. Get used to how it sounds then biwire using the same cable. If your happy it makes a difference then buy whatever cable you wish (personally id buy Van Damme, saving yourself a whole heap of money)

Thanks aliEnRIK

Yep, I know the benefits of bi-wiring, been there and know that it can make a huge difference, just curious on a Centre speaker with the Odyssey,as you say it costs money.

I've ordered a single pair, and I'll hook up with sub hi level again, test on/off (as you do!!) and see.

I am expecting a substantial improvement regardless, so hope I'm not setting myself up for a fall?


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