Better Blu-ray............When.


New member
Aug 10, 2019

Does anyone know when the big hitter companies will be making Blu ray players.

At the moment we have Sony, etc etc etc, but when will the specialist/small time companies start to produce them.

CD was all sony, etc etc etc, and then Arcam, Wadia, Naim, the list is, of course, endless, came along, and blew them out of the water.

Ah, you mean the small hitter companies! Well, Arcam and Cambridge Audio have both announced plans to launch Blu-ray players, but that's about it...
Yup, still waiting for news on that Arcam player. Suspect it won't happen this side of Christmas. And don't forget, the licensing costs for producing a Blu-ray player can be a major expense for some of the smaller specialist hi-fi/AV companies, which may deter them.
I think a lot of the smaller companies held off developing blu-ray players until the blu-ray/HD-DVD war sorted itself out. While the likes of toshiba can afford to back a losing horse in a format war, shrug and write off ££millions this could be ruinous for the little guys. Note that a lot of these companies have HD-capable amps, just not decks.

Now the format's been settled on for a year or so I'd have expected the likes of arcam etc to have brought out BDP's or for them to be imminent, but don't forget they'll have a (relatively) small development team working on them and from what I hear of the AVR600 ownership experience they're probably still working on that too.


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