Hugely confused by all the manufacturers' deals and different models within models! Why all the long numbers!
I'm after an LCD tv for my lounge, from 46 inches to about the 50's max. I'm not after advice on size, distance from the tv etc. please.
I am after a great deal for a top rate, 5 star type tv in the £1000 - £1500 bracket.
Use will be with a Virgin V+ (main viewing source) box, blue ray, and maybe internet sourced films.
Aims: to get something that wont date, that will not be the most expensive, but will be reliable and at a good price. I've been recommended Sonys, Toshs, and like the look of the Samsung on offer at John Lewis (L46M something?).
What is the market leading piece of brilliance that falls into this category! Help!
Hugely confused by all the manufacturers' deals and different models within models! Why all the long numbers!
I'm after an LCD tv for my lounge, from 46 inches to about the 50's max. I'm not after advice on size, distance from the tv etc. please.
I am after a great deal for a top rate, 5 star type tv in the £1000 - £1500 bracket.
Use will be with a Virgin V+ (main viewing source) box, blue ray, and maybe internet sourced films.
Aims: to get something that wont date, that will not be the most expensive, but will be reliable and at a good price. I've been recommended Sonys, Toshs, and like the look of the Samsung on offer at John Lewis (L46M something?).
What is the market leading piece of brilliance that falls into this category! Help!