I'm going to be setting up a Mac Mini over Christmas and was wondering what people out there thought of the various players for OSX.
I'll be sending the output to a Chord Qute hd DAC over USB
I'm interested in:
Audirvana Plus
Pure Music
and Amarra (although it does seem a bit pricy compared to the others, but this won't matter if it's considerably better).
Has anybody listened to these and if so, how do they compare/sound?
I'll be accessing the App via my iPhone/iPad.
suggestions/recommendations/advice greatfully received.
I'll be sending the output to a Chord Qute hd DAC over USB
I'm interested in:
Audirvana Plus
Pure Music
and Amarra (although it does seem a bit pricy compared to the others, but this won't matter if it's considerably better).
Has anybody listened to these and if so, how do they compare/sound?
I'll be accessing the App via my iPhone/iPad.
suggestions/recommendations/advice greatfully received.