Beatles or Stones

I wouldn't have either down as the 'best' band, but in terms of 'better', it's hard to say. Both produced some great music, but the Stones are more of a greatest hits band for me - whereas I don't care for the twee early Beatles sound but prefer the later stuff. Ringo's drumming is one of the few things that good hifi makes sound worse. I love Hey Jude and Let it Be as songs, but the drumming is spoiling it for me - artless and way too forward in the mixing.
Easy peasy: The Small Faces.

Never a big Stones fan, although they made some good tracks. Whenever 60s Brit pop is mentioned the prefab four are always mentioned - rightly so but (yawn).

"We are the mods, we are the mods, we are we are...."

Ogden's Nut Gone Flake is one of my favourite albums of all-time, certainly in top 5.
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Hi PP,
itchygoo park was my first 45 before moving on to LPs. Been having a good listen to the Stones on Tidal MQA and the recorded SQ is not the best on Beggars Banquet and let it bleed, but still enjoy some of the music. Had the original issue Sticky Fingers which is now worth a few Bob, but all of my albums were “ disappeared” whilst I was an expat in the 80s - replaced by CDs which are worthless. MQA Beatles are better SQ wise, but agree with 12 monkey, Ringo’s drumming is very poor. Some recordings from that era have great SQ to my ears. The Who, deep purple’ s child in time, Joni Mitchell, America, James Taylor and Neil Young. I still enjoy ex John Mayall’ Mick Taylor’s guitar work for the stones.
Ringo's drumming is one of the few things that good hifi makes sound worse. I love Hey Jude and Let it Be as songs, but the drumming is spoiling it for me - artless and way too forward in the mixing.
Years ago I was told by someone in the music industry that Ringo didn't play on the albums. In those days a studio would be booked for, say, 3 days to lay down the tracks. This would be office hours, rather than 24 hours like now. As it took half a day to set up the drums and microphones, bands would use the studio house drummer, as his kit was already set up, ready to go. I have no idea if it's true or not.
Both had great songs but the Beatles were a bit more consistent. To me the most complete Stones album is Sticky Fingers - like someone said they have gems across all their albums, but not always consistent albums.
I think so! Both had a big influence and made some great albums, but I rarely think “I must play some Beatles or Stones”.

Oh yeah undeniable that! they certainly paved the way, just not my cuppa at all.
Beatles for me. I used to just like the older Beatles Los, from Revolver onwards. Last month I had to isolate for 10 days. I decided to listen to their early Los through my streaming service. As stupid as this sounds, I was surprised just how great those early album's were. Now I think I like their early stuff better.

Saw the new Peter Jackson trailer for Get Back the other day, looks 'Fab'.
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Beatles for me. I used to just like the older Beatles Los, from Revolver onwards. Last month I had to isolate for 10 days. I decided to listen to their early Los through my streaming service. As stupid as this sounds, I was surprised just how great those early album's were. Now I think I like their early stuff better.

Saw the new Peter Jackson trailer for Get Back the other day, looks 'Fab'.
Yes cant wait to see the new revamp version of Let it be video, watched the original a few years ago, wasnt a good copy.
Gotta be the Stones for me. Gimme Shelter alone still gives me goosebumps and that intro is got to be up there with the best of all time. Definitive sound of the 70s even though it was released in 69.
Perhaps a parallel argument to be had in terms of who covers who to prove… e.g.:
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Never a fan of Beatles or Stones, Pink Floyd on the other hand...And slightly less so The Who.
Agree. Was fortunate to see both live in my student days (1972) and stood head and shoulders above most others for SQ and musicianship. Even Led Zep who suffered from PA problems Cheap circle tickets in small venues gave a great view, but negated Floyd’s legendary quadraphonic PA system’s rear speakers. Wings played unannounced at the student Union for 50p. McCartney and Denny Laine superb, Linda perhaps better at photography and veggie sausages!
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I was lucky enough to see the Led Zep concert at the O2 in Greenwich, seen Davie Gilmour, Roger Waters and the Stones. On a sound front they destroy the Stones but the Stones put on a fantastic live visceral rock and roll show. All of them have been great experiences. As a get up and dance concert Stones easily win. As an experience probably Waters.
All of those tickets cost a lot more than 50p unfortunately 🙂
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I was lucky enough to see the Led Zep concert at the O2 in Greenwich, seen Davie Gilmour, Roger Waters and the Stones. On a sound front they destroy the Stones but the Stones put on a fantastic live visceral rock and roll show. All of them have been great experiences. As a get up and dance concert Stones easily win. As an experience probably Waters.
All of those tickets cost a lot more than 50p unfortunately 🙂
Celebration Day Blu Ray still gets plenty of plays. Must have been a superb gig. I missed the chance to see the Stones due grant poverty, same Neil Young and Crazy Horse. £5 ticket a fortune!
agree, best concerts for involvement were Slade and Status Quo. I didn’t expect too much from slade thinking they were a pop band. Wrong!
Fair comment. On a Beatles hifi/PA note, on the final USA tour their PA was just 100 watts. Not a lot for a 55000 baseball stadium and they piped their output through the stadium speakers. So bad that John Lennon allegedly played a different song to the rest and no one noticed amongst the screams.


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