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Bass is nice

I have a jamo sub s 260 sub (not the same as a jamo sub 260) i don't use anymore

No matter where i have the sub it's not where i sit that has most bass, it's on my balcony

Even with 260 watt (8" bass) i never have this loud and super thigh, punchy bass when my sub is placed on my chair or when i try to find a place where theres most bass when having my sub on my chair

At high levels there is def port shuffling (eeevv)

My triangle speakers have an incredible skill of playing loud without sounding agressive,sharp in the highs, midrange like no other speakers i have owned (have owned a few) but amount of bass,deepth (extension) is not much better then avarage playing rock, pop.

For more bass like you don't feel like using a subwoofer, what booshelf speakers can do that and no i don't need 110db and i don't expect 40hz at -3db (mine is around 60hz -3 db), i can't imagine buying other speakers but i have had active speakers that can play bass without a sub, bass is nice even with my jamo sub i can't get to play perfectly, the extra bass is still very nice

If theres speakers that can do that, it would be in the 500-700 euro range, meaning if for some reason i deside to get more bassy speakers it won't be close to 1000 euros for a pair, only 500-700 euros + they should have good sensitivity and the ability to play loud without any hint of sharpness,agressiveness or for that matter any hint of sounding bright (but not dark sounding).

Im not trying to get speakers with more bass then mine that still sounds as good as my triangles (money + what the hell does that), more a question or knowledge of which speakers can do that, to summen it up bookshelf speakers,high sensitivity,the ability to play loud without any sharpness,agressivness and no hint of brigntness + very good bass, more,better then what i have atm (not just loud and boom bass)
Hi, you need some help, some advice?

Sub placed on a chair is funny placement. Triangle speakers have normaly very good bass - with the right amp and source. Which amp, speakers do you use?
Sub placed on a chair is funny placement NO

You just place it there and look(listen) if theres a place where the bass is strongest, on my balcony but that is not an option (for me to sit or the subwoofer to be placed)

So unless i buy a subwoofer with dsp (might work) for what they cost(over my budget), a subwoofer don't work for me.

port shuffling is not something i want, the sub are for sale

I have had active studio monitors with bass but that's not an option, since im doing passive speakers


Triangle Borea - BR03,Comète Ez is not an option IF i would change speakers for more bass

But what the ....... is there, more bass is easy to find but what speakers don't have any agressivness,harsness,brightness at high levels ?

Speakers that don't have any agressivness,harsness,brightness at high levels might be harder to find, if i happen to know a few models, do they have more bass,more bass extention ?

To make an example Yamah hs 5 (active studiomonitors) don't have to much bass (the krk rockit rp 5 g2, g3 has more) but the Yamaha HS7 does

As mentioned despite about the same size, a pair of krk rockit rp 5 g2, g3 does have alot more bass and sounds like the bass extension is much better (sound quality is a different thing)

that kind of difference is what im interested in, knowing what options there is, then i atleast have some idea what to look for if im upgrading for more bass

Personally i was dissappointed about Mission LX 3 MKII, very weak bass
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Comete EZ are very good speakers. Jamo Sub is not on par with so good speakers. Try different sub, e.g. Velodyne, SVS, REL etc. With so fast and dynamic speakers like Comete EZ, look for sealed sub, not bass reflex. My two Velodyne SPL subs are sitting on granite plates on wooden floor.
Bass is bass no matter the cost especially in this case , if the jamo is putting it in a certain place that you don’t want it simply means room is doing it. Throwing money at this problem won’t solve the problem a different brand won’t magically place the bass for you.

@gasolin there will be a place where it will put the bass at listening position. Do you get strong output from just the speakers where you sit? If you do, try placing the just in front of one of the speakers as an experiment and then go from there, I normally find in most systems the sub sounds best pretty close to a a main speaker
I don't like port shuffling

At my limited placement options it just don't sound right but the added extra bass i still got was a nice addition

if we have to go by what hifi reviews, the triangle titus ez is better then the comete ez and no option at all

Since it would be a waste of money because of what ever it can offer over my titus ez

Almost every speaker i had, had some agressivnes,sharpness,brightness at high levels, not my titus ez and don't want that at all if im upgrading, limits the options alot

That makes it hard to find something, if i need a month to deside if i want to persue a more bass heavy sound (improved bass) without a subwoofer even when i like to read about hifi.

One speaker that comes into my mind is (it's big) Monitor Audio Bronze 100 might sound a little bright at high levels and mabye lack the ability to play loud with my amp (power vs impedans vs sensitivity)


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