I have asked Leema about the use of power conditioner and its recommended rating. I got the following reply:
The power consumption cannot simply be calculated from the power output, because analogue amplifiers are not 100% efficient - more like 40%. The rest is given off as heat.
Allowing for this and the other internal power requirements, you will need a conditioner of around 3 to 4 Amps. However, the conditioner must be able to support the start inrush which will be around 6 Amps, otherwise the processor will most likely crash and the unit will not start.
For your information, Leema do not recommend any mains conditioning - due to the above explanation, we feel they always reduce the dymanics of the amplifier.
#Hum, the above explanation may be product dependent. Cause i got an Isol-8 Mains conditioner & my system sounds so much more dynamic.
From engineering point of view I can fully agree with Leema's comment. The conclusion is that unless the power rating of the conditioner is very large it will certainly affect dynamics of the amplifier output. The product from Airlink with 1500VA rating is a viable option but it is too expensive unless there is great improvement to the SQ after installation.