bad sound on new vinyl


New member
Aug 26, 2010
Just got the new Ingognito album on vinyl,the sound quality is really not great its sounds very flat,the album is great ive been listening to it via spotify for weeks now,thought id go for the vinyl as Ingognito have that kind of sound,very dissapointed with it,i ordered it from amazon uk and i live i norway so its not easy to send back.i could not find it on vinyl in norway.Has anyone else experienced this recently with new music?
Yes, I had the same thing with The Cure - 'Disintegration' 180g double vinyl. Sounds terrible, which is suprising because the CD sounds great.
Actually, I heard something today that pee'd me off. A lot of new pressings are made from the CD, not the master tapes. All the extra detail that is on the master tapes and that vinyl can reproduce, is missing. So, in effect, all you're getting for your £20 or so, is a CD with crackles and the occasional 'pop' added. Big, big con. I need to find out if there's a way of knowing if a recoed has been made from the master tapes or not, before buying anymore dudds.
Im a bit fed up with this to be honest,the type of music i like has a huge vinyl following and the music comunity that i have an interest in always go on about buying the vinyl! i have only recently bought a new record player to be able to play a good size collection from some years ago,im loving playing those records i grew up on,just wish the new pressings were better,maybe its a one off,i shall have to nuy it on cd as its a great album.
I've learnt my lesson, after The Cure. New pressings are too expensive to take a gamble on their sound quality, IMO. Luckily , I still adore the sound from my CDP, so new stuff will be bought on CD and i'll get pre-digital stuff on Vinyl.
Guys - I got Disintegration on vinyl back when it came out - and it sounds great - so must admit I am starting to share your suspicions of some of these new (expensive) pressings that actually sound a bit dull.

Personally I pick up a lot of my vinyl via Ebay these days - rarely had a bad experience - so might be worth the effort of trawling there to get some originals - if your luckly you might save a few bob too.

Vinyl is a bit of a gamble, some sounds good some bad - but its not so galling if you've only paid a few quid for a second hand copy as opposed to £20-30 for a duff repress. If only you were old like me you could have got it when it came out . . .

For me half the fun with vinyl is tracking down a bargain - hence I tend to avoid the new pressings - and bearing in mind what you've said think its a tactic I'll stick to.

Happy hunting

Guys - I got Disintegration on vinyl back when it came out - and it sounds great - so must admit I am starting to share your suspicions of some of these new (expensive) pressings that actually sound a bit dull.

Personally I pick up a lot of my vinyl via Ebay these days - rarely had a bad experience - so might be worth the effort of trawling there to get some originals - if your luckly you might save a few bob too.

Vinyl is a bit of a gamble, some sounds good some bad - but its not so galling if you've only paid a few quid for a second hand copy as opposed to £20-30 for a duff repress. If only you were old like me you could have got it when it came out . . .

For me half the fun with vinyl is tracking down a bargain - hence I tend to avoid the new pressings - and bearing in mind what you've said think its a tactic I'll stick to.

Happy hunting


Absolutely agree, e-bay is great. I've only just started buying, but I've had some great buys already, like Michael Jackson - Thriller, Billy Joel- An innocent Man, Carly Simon - Best Of, The Eagles - Hotel California, Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night and Rumours, Carol King - Tapestry and Tracy Chapman - Self Titled, all for less than £2 each.
I've all but given up buying new releases on vinyl as I've had my suspicions about SQ. The only new vinyl I buy are the likes of MFSL or other premium reissues/remasters but these can be expensive and for good reason, the idea of paying £15 for something that probably sounds better when paying £5-£10 can be pretty gauling. There are exceptions to this but the album cover willl not tell you this, of course most will just probably stick to new releases on CD/download and happily trawl through ebay, record shops, etc and grin when they come across that little gem or memory from the past - for me this is what vinyl is all about.

I guess the real irony here is that people are willing to pay a premium to download MP3 albums at, sometimes, higher prices than CD! so I guess the market for inferior new vinyl recordings is good enough to warrant the pressings.
Thanks guys for your coments,it sounds like new new pressings should be avoided,will stick to the second hand market for vinyl and cd for new releases.
Check the cartridge tracking height on 180gram vinyl.

On my systemdek and moth arm set up, I must of hit lucky on tracking height (VTA) when I first set up the the deck it sounded great with no adjustment. I bought my first 180 gram vinyl and it sounded rubbish the extra depth of the record was enough to take the cartridge out of the operating range. I discovered this by removing the felt mat. When I re set the height I was able to set an arm height which I am happy with for all my vinyl.
def lugs:
Check the cartridge tracking height on 180gram vinyl.

On my systemdek and moth arm set up, I must of hit lucky on tracking height (VTA) when I first set up the the deck it sounded great with no adjustment. I bought my first 180 gram vinyl and it sounded rubbish the extra depth of the record was enough to take the cartridge out of the operating range. I discovered this by removing the felt mat. When I re set the height I was able to set an arm height which I am happy with for all my vinyl.

Too true def lugs and the set up of a turntable (without going on) is very important.

It is true though that you get bad new pressings (but not all) which sound one dimensional there are a numbering factors including the production and recording in digital. Its a shame the SPARS code isn't more widely used as this would give a small insight to a problem that occurs on vinyl. There are studios recording in analog still and it would good if a list was compiled so we new where we were on that front. Now that could be a good thread!
DavidNorway:Thanks guys for your coments,it sounds like new new pressings should be avoided,will stick to the second hand market for vinyl and cd for new releases.Hi DavidNorway, not all new pressings should be avoided. I have a few new albums and they sound great. But it is true that vinyl purchases are a hit and miss sometimes..but that can be said about cd's as some are heavily compressed or badly recorded. I tend to buy audiophile lp's-yes, more expensive but I know they are recorded from the master i'm guaranteed great sound! audio affair have a great range. Naim recordings are brilliant too 🙂 enjoy
gbhsi1:DavidNorway:Thanks guys for your coments,it sounds like new new pressings should be avoided,will stick to the second hand market for vinyl and cd for new releases.Hi DavidNorway, not all new pressings should be avoided. I have a few new albums and they sound great.

New Arcade Fire album sounds utterly amazing on vinyl, and that's a new release from August this year.
I mostly agree with the prevailing consensus here: new vinyl is generally rubbish, pre-digital vinyl can sound great.

However, as stated above there are some notable exceptions I've bought and loved.

1) Icky Thump - The White Stripes (great sound on vinyl, easily trumps CD for me)
2) Kraftwerk - all their recently remastered albums. Although some of original vinyl sounds great too.
3) Neu box set. One of the best slabs of vinyl I've ever heard.
4) Harvest - Neil Young (recent 180g pressing, from the original master tapes)

I've not heard the new Arcade Fire album on vinyl, but your recommendation could tempt me to break my self-imposed buying ban.
its terrible.

I bought gUiLLeMoTs "through the windowpane" on vinyl and it was so bad i had to buy the CD. Even streaming the MP3 through the system is better.
Is there any point in buying a newly released LP these days when they're virtually all recorded digitally? At best, they'll sound as good as the CD.

I bought the "4 Men With Beards" vinyl release of Dusty Springfield's 1969 masterpiece, Dusty In Memphis only be shocked to hear that Dusty had a lisp! After I gave this LP away to my local charity shop, I bought the Rhino remastered CD of it and was astounded to hear that she didn't have a lisp after all, in fact she sounded wonderful.
The main reason stopping me buying new vinyl is the cost. I just can't justify £20/£30 for a nice 180g piece of vinyl. Since my renewed interest in vinyl last year I've bought two new "audiophile" LP's, the 30 year aniversary heavyweight vinyl of "Dark Side Of The Moon" (excellent), and Steven Wilson's "Insurgentes" (a lot more pops and crackles than I had expected). Both set me back around £25 each.

I don't envisage paying out that sort of money again, not when the sound quality is going to be hit-or-miss.

Ironically the best quality new LP I've bought arrived today, The Door's "LA Women" subject of another thread. It is sounding superb and not a hint of pop and crackle. Not bad for £2.99

I've bought loads of second hand vinyl though, record fairs and car boot sales etc., and to be honest I've been astonished how good the quality of the vast majority are. For example I bought an original 1969 Moody Blues LP for £3.00 and the LP itself was virtually mint.

It's going to be 2nd hand vinyl for me in the future, unless there's bargains like "LA Women" to be had.

DIB: The main reason stopping me buying new vinyl is the cost. I just can't justify £20/£30 for a nice 180g piece of vinyl. of another thread.

Agreed, but not all new vinyl is so expensive; my favourite aew release vinyls this year were Weller's "Wake up the Nation" and Arcade Fire's "Suburbs", both £13.99 from


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