Guys - I got Disintegration on vinyl back when it came out - and it sounds great - so must admit I am starting to share your suspicions of some of these new (expensive) pressings that actually sound a bit dull.
Personally I pick up a lot of my vinyl via Ebay these days - rarely had a bad experience - so might be worth the effort of trawling there to get some originals - if your luckly you might save a few bob too.
Vinyl is a bit of a gamble, some sounds good some bad - but its not so galling if you've only paid a few quid for a second hand copy as opposed to £20-30 for a duff repress. If only you were old like me you could have got it when it came out . . .
For me half the fun with vinyl is tracking down a bargain - hence I tend to avoid the new pressings - and bearing in mind what you've said think its a tactic I'll stick to.
Happy hunting
Absolutely agree, e-bay is great. I've only just started buying, but I've had some great buys already, like Michael Jackson - Thriller, Billy Joel- An innocent Man, Carly Simon - Best Of, The Eagles - Hotel California, Fleetwood Mac - Tango In The Night and Rumours, Carol King - Tapestry and Tracy Chapman - Self Titled, all for less than £2 each.