Dear MarcXBaumann,
The things you have experienced could happen to every brand of every quality standard, and, in fact, it happens quite often. Problems with the transport and the laser units is one of those "CD things".
For me, it's not a problem that it occurs. The problem is the way some brands deal with it. Some are serious and will offer a quality servicing for free, or on the long time, some other brands disapppear after they receive your money for your new product.
For example, i see quite often some threads about faulty Naim products. But, at the other hand, they are taking back their gear and repair it, and in the great majority, successfully. At the other way, I had some Tom Evans gear that needed around 1 years of intense harrassment of the creator for beeing repaired and functionning properly, and even during this time, the way they dealed with this problem was not professionnal.
Other example, in Germany, we have a brand called Restek that you can say of it : "if they made it, they will be able to repair it". Even 30 years gear could be sent and repaired as new. It's great for that. At the other way, I already encountered peoples with some 3 years italian gear that couldn't make it repaired because "the transport wasn't produced anymore and they have no stock left". For a 3'000$ CD player, this is not serious at all.
Off topic :
I would be prudent guys with throwing a stone at the topic opener. It's really human to be upsetted about the lack of service of a brand you spend high amount of money into. And it's although human to open threads on some forums you are normally not involved with to try to warn other peoples, or simply, make air to your frustrations. I had exactly the same with my recent Mitsubishi car that really felt apart after 100'000 km. You are growing more and more frustrated when this "not cheap" thing starts to cost you more and more and that you keep trying to make it run without success. And when, at the top of that, the retailers answers you "we don't care about you, you have no warranty anymore..." then you will, for sure, create topics on websites in trying to warn other peoples about them.
At the other way, we never question persons with a high post ratio that are "completely amazed of their new amps/cd/dac/.../", even if we know that they often are seller, sponsored posters or communication agencies in disguise. On french forum, they are a real mass of posters on the forums about hifi and they help to make their brand beautiful in spouting year after year all those nonsensical phrases we love so much. I was already contacted by Devialet for that, but gently declined ; but I have no doubt that this open place was quickly filled with a skilled profile. Although, in France, they have tons of fake Advance acoustic reviewers and profiles. It looks like this brand loves to trigger her web reputation virtually. On the other forum I'm on, we have a ratio of 1 true review for 8 fakes. But let's be honest in admitting that it's a common thing. I already encountered fake profiles from Luxman, Accuphase, Monitor Audio, Naim, ProAc, Esoteric, Devialet, ...and I probably missed some ot them.
So please, be vigilant and learn to see through native advertising and don't ignore critical posters systematically.