AVI DM 10 cabinet quality?

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steve_1979 said:
Martin Grindrod, the designer at AVI, used to design the electronic guidance systems which are used in guided missiles. So it's safe to assume he's an expert at designing elecronics which aren't adversely influenced by vibrations.

They still work after impact?

steve_1979 said:
Martin Grindrod, the designer at AVI, used to design the electronic guidance systems which are used in guided missiles.

Which ones? Some of them weren't very good. (The original Sea Wolf for instance.)

I always hesitate to be in awe of military hardware specs. From boots to tanks and even Royal Navy destroyer's entire engine/generating plants there have been (and continue to be) some right old dogs!
chebby said:
I always hesitate to be in awe of military hardware specs. From boots to tanks and even Royal Navy destroyer's entire engine/generating plants there have been (and continue to be) some right old dogs!

See also products with components made from 'aerospace-grade aluminium'.
Superaintit said:
Didn't know that. Thanks

To be fair, there are a few tweeters that are vented, B&Ws Nautilus designs come to mind, but in general they are sealed to the rear.

There are also some dipole tweeters, planar ribbons etc but they are quite rare. Most folded ribbon tweeters such as those from Adam, Elac are sealed, as are the generic chinese built ones.
spiny norman said:
Morgunner said:
No, there is no need for that...

So that's where almost every other speaker designer is going wrong.

Are you truly suggesting the majority of speakers the size and in the price range of DM10s have separate enclosures for the drivers? Seriously? And did I say that would be "wrong"? No, it's just unnecessary because the tweeter is sealed, there is no interaction either way. It would however sacrifice internal volume which the mid/bass surely can put to good use. Or do you perhaps disagree with that, too?

One of the rarely mentioned benefits of active speakers (this includes most actives not just AVI ones) is that they have the amplifier mounted inside the enclosure. The irregular shape of the internal amplifer helps to break up standing waves which improves the sound quality. This is particularly beneficial when the amplifier is mounted to the rear panel as it breaks up the waves that would otherwise bounce off the flat rear panel in a passive speaker and pass partly uneffected straight throught the speaker cone.


Well I wasn't expecting that answer! Enlightening. Cheers!
Morgunner said:
Are you truly suggesting the majority of speakers the size and in the price range of DM10s have separate enclosures for the drivers? Seriously? And did I say that would be "wrong"? No, it's just unnecessary because the tweeter is sealed, there is no interaction either way. It would however sacrifice internal volume which the mid/bass surely can put to good use. Or do you perhaps disagree with that, too?

Ah, see now you're qualifying, by limiting the discussion to small speakers. I would suggest that saying something is unnecessary means other speaker designers have been getting it wrong by going to lengths that IYO they don't need to.

But hey, the speakers to which you cleave seem to redefine so many parameters with their innate superiority (as opposed to being made as simply as possible of course) that it is clearly impossible to argue with them.

I tend to close the door when the evangelists come calling; I remember why now.
spiny norman said:
Ah, see now you're qualifying, by limiting the discussion to small speakers.

May I suggest you re-read the question I answered, it was rather more limiting, as in limited to only the DM10s. And I have not knocked on your door, I'm just walking the street you're shouting out to.
spiny you acting like a ***** again do me a favour and **** off and hibernate.

i beg of you idiot.

Pretty much the WHOLE forum couldnt give a **** of your advice, comments and any other remark you make.
Ashley James said:
...but that doesn't explain why decent and polite AVI customers should be excluded and characters like you should remain.

Aaaah, he must mean decent and polite AVI customers like this...

The Mad One said:
spiny you acting like a ***** again do me a favour and **** off and hibernate.

i beg of you idiot.

Pretty much the WHOLE forum couldnt give a **** of your advice, comments and any other remark you make.

There really is no need for any of this. We had a batch of this unpleasantness a few years ago, and it seems like it's come around again. At the end of the day, customers will choose, by demonstration, what they like the sound of. Along with Classe, Decialet produce some of the lowest distortion figures for electronics around - does that mean everyone buys them and everything is null and void? No, because people have preferences. Have Dev's Phantoms killed off the speaker market? No, because people have preferences. There's room for everyone, without all this nastiness.
Of cause apologies but these type of folk just know how to get my goat going and without thinking i'll react apologies to everyone and spiny,

sorry fella.

As you can tell im a bit passoinate about me AVI'S if youve listen to them youll no where im coming from.


For internal reflection, most manufacturers use damping foam pads as per those from Wilmslow audio or Falcon acoustics. So no need to use the amplifier topography to disperse reflections.


The Mad One said:
Of cause apologies but these type of folk just know how to get my goat going and without thinking i'll react apologies to everyone and spiny,

sorry fella.

As you can tell im a bit passoinate about me AVI'S if youve listen to them youll no where im coming from.


It's what they do.

Best to ignore them when they get like this, there are a few on here who delight in being argumentative and distructive. Best to leave them alone, if they get no reaction they will get bored.
My business partner Martin Grindrod was a defence avionics design engineer working for one of the world's leading specialist companies. He was a project leader, so he headed up teams producing digital tranceivers, signal transmission inside fighter aircraft and also bomb, not missile guidance systems.

More importantly for hi fi etc, he'd built his first radio when he was eight, designed his first Amp at twelve, and become a radio ham and slow scan TV operator at sixteen. He graduated from Bristol and as well as AVI he designed the Kelvin Labs range and the QED digit. He also left AVI for a time early this century to designed accelerated ageing equipment for testing undersea lasers used for surveillance of the undersides of other people's ships. A military project.

Timberworx make the cabinets and they've been bought by Spendor. Their quality is superb, they're descended from Greaves who were making furniture and hi fi cabs way back and probably mains radios before that. They're a lovely bunch.

When asked about the effect of vibration on internal electronics Martin's response was that cruise missiles managed to hit their target okay and that active speakers have been around since the seventies. They are mature technology. All we've done is take things a little further with help from Sinar Baja and they've given it to us because they recognise Martin's exceptional skill in research.


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