Avi 9s do they work in corners and tight against walls?


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Looking to change the front speakers in my home cinema setup from quad lites to something that sounds less boxy and small with two channel music but will work in the less than perfect room conditions that I have.

Are the speakers affected by being placed in corners, tight to walls? I can't have speakers in the middle of the room but don't want to compromise on sound quality. Also size is an issue, are they still the same size as the specs given by what hifi?

My other front runner is the Neat iota, perfect size, can be wall mounted but would need to be driven by my cyrus 8vs via pre outs from my yamaha rvx1600 adding a box, they don't have grills and I don't trust my children around exposed drivers.




Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
TitusG said:
Looking to change the front speakers in my home cinema setup from quad lites to something that sounds less boxy and small with two channel music but will work in the less than perfect room conditions that I have.

Are the speakers affected by being placed in corners, tight to walls? I can't have speakers in the middle of the room but don't want to compromise on sound quality. Also size is an issue, are they still the same size as the specs given by what hifi?

I have no problems whatsoever.

The ADM9s are superb. For further info, try the AVI website and forum.


New member
Mar 23, 2011
Overdose said:
TitusG said:
Looking to change the front speakers in my home cinema setup from quad lites to something that sounds less boxy and small with two channel music but will work in the less than perfect room conditions that I have.

Are the speakers affected by being placed in corners, tight to walls? I can't have speakers in the middle of the room but don't want to compromise on sound quality. Also size is an issue, are they still the same size as the specs given by what hifi?

I have no problems whatsoever.

The ADM9s are superb. For further info, try the AVI website and forum.

I thought this was the AVI website and forum. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well-known member
Nov 18, 2011
TitusG said:
Are the speakers affected by being placed in corners, tight to walls? I can't have speakers in the middle of the room but don't want to compromise on sound quality. Also size is an issue, are they still the same size as the specs given by what hifi?

Hello Adrian,

The 9's rely less on the cabinet acoustics to create bass so positioning is not as critical as it is with passive speakers. I think the same goes for most active speakers. I heard the prototype ADM40s in positions I would not have thought suitable and it was clear that they were were unaffected by this. I have production pairs now and moving them up and down the room makes much less difference than it did with my Tannoy DC8's.

Size of the 9's seems to have remained fairly consistent and by all accounts, the sound quality of the more recent models has only got better. With youngsters loose I would be inclined to Araldite the grills on, though!


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Thanks for all your replies.

glad to hear that positioning isn't a problem as it puts them on the short list with the Iotas. Now just have to way up the pros and cons of both.



New member
Apr 8, 2011
AVI ADM 9 owners, how far is the rear-most edge of your ADM 9's from the rear wall and how far are the outer-most edges from the side walls?

If they are out into the room, how does the sound change, if at all, if you place them so that they are within 2 inches of the side and rear walls?

If they are already within 2 inches of the walls, how does the sound of them vary, if at all if you pull them out so that they are 2 feet or more from the corners?


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2008
lindsayt said:
AVI ADM 9 owners, how far is the rear-most edge of your ADM 9's from the rear wall and how far are the outer-most edges from the side walls?

If they are out into the room, how does the sound change, if at all, if you place them so that they are within 2 inches of the side and rear walls?

If they are already within 2 inches of the walls, how does the sound of them vary, if at all if you pull them out so that they are 2 feet or more from the corners?

I don't really know exactly how close, not being inclined to measure such things, but one is on a shelf and touching the back wall with a smidge of toe in and next to other stuff on the shelf, the other has its back about 4" from a wall of CDs, but otherwise in free space at the sides. Having only moved the speakers around a smalll amount (largely to just keep them as far from little fingers as possible), I have not noticed any bass accentuation due to positioning. This was not the case with my previous monitors that needed space behind them that I couldn't give, hence the change.

Obviously there would be some change in the overall sound due to room acoustics, but bass reinforcement or smearing doesn't seem to be an issue, due largely to the front port I guess.


Well-known member
I've been checking on the internet. It seems the recommended distance away from my walls is 126 miles and 385 yards. This is from the TomTom website. I guess it will be different for you, depending on where you live. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


New member
Oct 12, 2008
Thanks for your replies and other suggestions

I am using the quad lite 5.1 system with an l2 centre. I'm not happy with the stereo sound quality, so I'm looking for a bigger sound that doesn't intrude to much and doesn't add extra boxes that would annoy my wife. I suppose I don't have to use the Cyrus to power the front 2 channels, I just thought it would be a better than my avr.

Just looked up the Anthony Gallo, that would not go down well with my wife. She likes speakers to look like speakers, kefs eggs were too unconventional for her and to honest she is usually right about these things.
