Auditioned Naim 5si today

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New member
Nov 9, 2010
On the well matched comment from David@thehifi companyI couldn't agree more. When you have a properly designed amplifier and speaker combination the difference to be heard is unbelievable.

i bought my first pair of actives second hand on eBay a few years back one arrived not working but the channel I heard was enough for me to contact the manufacturers to enquire about having the other ne repaired.

This was the first hi-Fi system my wife remarked on how good it was. ( she has heard a few of mine!)

i purchased a new pair from the same company a month or so later.


New member
Apr 30, 2014
I have both 5i (italic) and 5si at home now and no matter how much I want the 5si to be an improvement my ears tells me it's not. The deeper bass frequencies seems a bit boosted on the 5si making it unbalanced and also the bass is soft and round compared to the tight and rhytmic bass on the 5i. The 5si sound more modern and open but I do prefer the "up in your face" and dry sound the 5i gives me. So if you have the 5i and think the 5si does everything the same, just better, then my advice is to listen, listen and listen and play tracks with good recorded kick drums and bass guitars. These are two great amps but they are more different than I imagined.


New member
Mar 14, 2013
NHL said:
floyd droid said:
NHL said:
and a small amout of actually listening.

:doh: This normally leads to.......................

Help needed I've bought a crock of sh**e.


Probably, I just can not spend hours on end at the dealers. It is always difficult to leave, after some hours of listening, without actually having bought nothing at all.

Why bother visiting dealers? It belongs to old days.. if you are really on the market after new amp just order 2 or 3 online, keep the one you like the most, return other two. Nothing will ever replace hearing it in the comfort of your own sofa.