Audioquest Dragonfly


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2022
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As I experience the usual pitfalls of the Zorloo Ztella - good sound but terrible build quality and constant static noise - I'm looking, disgruntedly, towards an Audioquest Dragonfly for replacement - does anyone have any first-hand experience and suggestions about which model to choose, or indeed, if the higher pricetag on the Red and Cobalt really translate into a distinctively better sound? Also, does the "tail", which has to be bought seperately in order to hook it up to a mobile phone (my main usage), have similar noise and quality caveats which have caused me to hate the once-loved Ztella?
I got the impression from various reviews that the Cobalt probably wasn’t worth the premium, unless you like the colour or looks. Dragonflys always seemed to me like the perfect used buy, as nothing to go wrong (famous last words!)


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2022
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I have owned the DragonFly Red for almost 3 years now. 100% quirk free. Mostly used connected through the DragonTail to my smartphone. Sound-quality-wise, it really depends on the device you will connect it to. Overall sound signature is not neutral, as the DragonFly Black, but tilted towards excitement.


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