Attention Clare, Andrew or The Prof

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Bye .........!!!
ScoobyCanDo:I smell something ........................ ''FISHY'' ?

Does look a bit like a certain someone is pushing the cable on Ebay ................ NOT your Ebay user ID is it Davo

You can always rely on ScoobyCanDo to deliver a subtle implication with a 105mm howitzer.
Honestly Andrew, you're in the wrong job.......

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I know you didnt want non experts to answer your forum message but...
if you actually go to the website of this outfit and look at their hdmi page you will see they also offer a 1080p cable for 9.99 which begs the question what the 3.99 is about if the recommend the other for 1080p.
Andrew Everard:

You can always rely on ScoobyCanDo to deliver a subtle implication with a 105mm howitzer.


Guess it saves ''Beating around the BUSH'' ............... young Andrew?

[Now ............ is your name ......... BUSH, as I've some beating to do]

And if it's Howitzer's you want .............. I've access to several self-propelled ones _________________ Ummmmmmmmmmmm!

EDITED for copyright reasons - Mods

_____________________________________________________ MAKES ME LAUGH
Weird thread. Don't lose it Prof and AE. Keep it together chaps. And remember, Charlie don't surf!
if anyone out there is feeling cheated having spent a fortune on a good HDMi cable when a cheap one is just as good, I have a free-from-Humax one that I am generously willing to trade for a Van den Hul or Chord Company or similar...

Any takers?

*tumbleweed blows across thread*
Oh boy. You're right. Charlie does surf. Darn that Francis Ford Coppola misleading me all this time. LOL
I emailed the guy about this, and this was his response......

Thanks for spotting the mistake. The HDMI cable priced at £9.99 should have been priced at 3.99. The difference between the cables is that the cable wrongly priced on the web site is V1.2, whereas the £3.99 cable (which you bought from Ebay) is V1.3B. Our website is relatively new for us and is still under construction. The correct prices are on Ebay and we have now been able to get our website updated to show the correct price.

Clare should have her cable by now, so I eagerly await the test...

P.S sorry for keeping the thread going!!!
JohnDuncan:Will Harris:And remember, Charlie don't surf! I found that he does, actually.

Now this is the stuff that HDMI threads are really for!
smithdom:Thanks for the pointer to this product. I've just ordered the hdmi to dvi version of the cable to see what my laptop looks like on my 42PZ80B. For £3.99 it's got to be worth a punt! I'll report back on speed of delivery and whether or not the cable works.

Hmm, probably shouldn't quote myself, but it may help put this post into context.

Cable arrived today. Minimal packaging, just a jiffy bag and a plastic bag within. Post and packing probably cost less than £1 so that leaves £3 for the cable itself. Cable looks fine physically - no obvious quality issues. HDMI end of cable fits positively in the front HDMI socket on my TV, at least as secure as my other HDMI leads (QED included), although that isn't saying much.

Cranked up my PC and TV display worked straight away. Booted Ubuntu, then Windows and set screen resolution to 1920 x 1080 on both. Desktops on both too big for display at first, then found the option to switch off picture overscan on the TV and all fits fine. TV reports 1080p input. Windows desktop not as crystal clear as my LCD computer monitor, but perfectly servicable. Cranked up Bio Shock and set res to 1920 x 1080, and this looks stunning, easily as good as my monitor. DVD from PC looks OK, but I wouldn't expect it to match my BD35, and it doesn't.

I have no other DVI to HDMI cable to compare this cable with, but I have to say that it appears to do the job. On the basis of this I would definately try one of their regular HDMI leads if I ever needed another.
Davo2008:So is there any noticeable difference between this cable and your QED?

Well, the comparison is meaningless really since one is hdmi to hdmi and the other is dvi to hdmi, and one is used from a Blu-ray player and the other is used from a PC. The only meaningful observation is that the cable appears to be well constructed and appears to function very well (and, of course, cost just £4).

I do have a CYK hdmi cable and as reported on another thread I can't tell the difference between this and my QED. As also reported I do not have the setup to do a proper side-by-side comparison, so it is very hard to do a detailed comparison. All I can say is the video and audio quality of both CYK and QED appear fine to my eyes and ears.
So does anyone know if this cable is actually any good/what is claims it is?
apparently WHF have received it in the post and we're all eagerly awaiting the results of the tests!

For my part, I use 2 from my blu ray player to my amp then on to my tv. If another lead can give me a better picture for anywhere near the price, I'll be very surprised!


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