I'm back! I seem to be carrying this thread on my own at the moment, lol. But anywayz, I thought i would try to be helpful and get back to you all after a bit of av testing on my day off.
My conclusions are that the 'Ebay cable' is very, very good value for what you pay - The picture is good and so is the sound.
I managed to get around to testing the sound against my 'Qed hdmi-p cable' and i have to say that the sound difference was pretty big. The Qed was noticably better and more clearer in dialogue and more dynamic- especially noticable with music. In all fairness it probably should be, for the fact it costs many more pounds!
So the chaps and lass's at WHF were right when they said that the sound is most noticeble in the differences between pricier cables and lower one's, and my verdict is that if you want a cheap and good value solution then the 'Ebay cable certainly does that, but i would not have it as my main cinema set-up (would be great in a budget set-up) and would use it in a second setup for a bedroom etc or it in parents set-up etc or even for long runs to a budget projector as these can be expensive elswere.
Many thanks, hope this is helpful to all!
Paul 🙂