Attention Clare, Andrew or The Prof

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Too right, av/hifi stuff on the cheap is all good. Btw, i already have plans for world domination so the cyborg clare will have to foil them first. hehe
Paulthefilmfan:Too right, av/hifi stuff on the cheap is all good. Btw, i already have plans for world domination so the cyborg clare will have to foil them first. heheAnyone who quotes Sophocles has my support.
Tarquinh:Paulthefilmfan:Too right, av/hifi stuff on the cheap is all good. Btw, i already have plans for world domination so the cyborg clare will have to foil them first. heheAnyone who quotes Sophocles has my support.

And anyone who quotes Sophie Raworth has mine...
I'l include you in my plans and let you have an island each then. lol.
Davo and ppl, i managed to try 'the cable' over the weekend and i have to say that i was hard pressed to see the difference between 'the Qed and this Ebay one', to my eyes the Qed may have edged it with a bit more detail in the picture but that was it really, i mean it was close. I have not tried the sound as i was using it for the picture delivery only - so that could be a whole new matter! will try to get round to doing this part also. 🙂
I'm back! I seem to be carrying this thread on my own at the moment, lol. But anywayz, I thought i would try to be helpful and get back to you all after a bit of av testing on my day off.
My conclusions are that the 'Ebay cable' is very, very good value for what you pay - The picture is good and so is the sound.
I managed to get around to testing the sound against my 'Qed hdmi-p cable' and i have to say that the sound difference was pretty big. The Qed was noticably better and more clearer in dialogue and more dynamic- especially noticable with music. In all fairness it probably should be, for the fact it costs many more pounds!
So the chaps and lass's at WHF were right when they said that the sound is most noticeble in the differences between pricier cables and lower one's, and my verdict is that if you want a cheap and good value solution then the 'Ebay cable certainly does that, but i would not have it as my main cinema set-up (would be great in a budget set-up) and would use it in a second setup for a bedroom etc or it in parents set-up etc or even for long runs to a budget projector as these can be expensive elswere.
Many thanks, hope this is helpful to all!

Paul 🙂

In the beginning, Sky-man came to install, took one look at the trees and said "no chance". So, called in my mate Andy, the best independent aerial and dish installer in area when he is not jumping out of aircraft, he installed and advised to use the best high quality RF cable to feed fixed ceiling mounted projector via component. Guess what? Brilliant picture especially with Sky HD content. Just watching Madonna's Sticky and Sweet Tour and I don't particularly like Madonna but the visuals are the best I've seen in a long time. I also used the same cable for digital audio links to my Denon 3803; 7.1 is audio heaven; and to distribute everything, including 2 Sky boxes, throughout the house via a Global 4way Combiner and an 8-way RF distribution unit with no problems at all.

So much for high priced cables. Oh, and I project a 12 foot wide image onto a metallic silver painted wall with a little H56 projector.

I see that the review is finally up and it's been awarded 5 stars! A fiver well spent indeed! In fact, I think I paid £3.50 for mine, so maybe a 6-star rating is in order!
I see that the review is finally up and it's been awarded 5 stars! A fiver well spent indeed! In fact, I think I paid £3.50 for mine, so maybe a 6-star rating is in order!

I might have to buy a couple, just in case I ever need HDMI cables 🙂
I know I'm going to get it here but can some explain how one HDMI cable can be better than the other? Their digital. Surely they stream ones and zeros across. 010110 in 010110 out. Were is the quality issue surely if your digital information is effected the cable just wouldn't work?
Have a read through this lot.

To save you some time though, the answer to both of these questions:

Cacus:can some explain how one HDMI cable can be better than the other?

Cacus:Surely they stream ones and zeros across. 010110 in 010110 out

is "No".


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