atc scm 19 + cyrus?????


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hello everyone, just a few questions, i have a full CYRUS system (CD8X+PSX-R, DAB8 TUNER, 8XP+PSX-R BI-AMPED WITH 8 POWER, 8 power on HF & 8xp on LF+ ATLAS HYPER 3 speaker cable) i have also a got a full surround set-up of ATC speakers ( C1 SUB, SCM7 rears, SCM11 front L&R + C1 centre) i have just ordered a new set of ATC SCM 19 from AUDIO EMOTION (Mark & Gary are above & beyond helpfull +++++shop) my CYRUS system runs quite happily with the SCM11s will changing up to the SCM19s pose too much of a load for my amp? i know watts arent be all end all & they have quite high current & this set-up certainly seems to have alot of potency about it, i quite like the CYRUS kit (its wife friendly) but if i were to think of moving to cyrus mono blocs i would rather bite the bullet & change the whole lot for ATC SIA2-150 & PRIMARE cd31 at the risk of spending more + a divorce, has anyone any advice or reasonably cost effective solution, thanks
i may be wrong, but i think the 19s present the same sort of load as the 11s.

i can vouch for the synergy between the sia2-150 and the 19s.
benny39:Hello everyone, just a few questions, i have a full CYRUS system (CD8X+PSX-R, DAB8 TUNER, 8XP+PSX-R BI-AMPED WITH 8 POWER, 8 power on HF & 8xp on LF+ ATLAS HYPER 3 speaker cable) i have also a got a full surround set-up of ATC speakers ( C1 SUB, SCM7 rears, SCM11 front L&R + C1 centre) i have just ordered a new set of ATC SCM 19 from AUDIO EMOTION (Mark & Gary are above & beyond helpfull +++++shop) my CYRUS system runs quite happily with the SCM11s will changing up to the SCM19s pose too much of a load for my amp? i know watts arent be all end all & they have quite high current & this set-up certainly seems to have alot of potency about it, i quite like the CYRUS kit (its wife friendly) but if i were to think of moving to cyrus mono blocs i would rather bite the bullet & change the whole lot for ATC SIA2-150 & PRIMARE cd31 at the risk of spending more + a divorce, has anyone any advice or reasonably cost effective solution, thanks

Hi benny39

The SCM19's do present the same load as the SCM11's however the SLMT mid/bass drive unit used in the SCM19's can benefit from even superior amplification such as the Mono X's.

If you wish to simplify your system than ATC's own SIA2-150 MK2 amplifier will be an ideal match for the SCM19's. The SIA's low distortion, class A bias (up to 2/3 output), high current and damping factor will help the SCM19's perform to an even highr level than with the already impressive Mono x's

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
thanks Craig, i wasnt a hundred percent sure, the scm 11s have been very faithful but ATC hasnt put a foot out of place that i just had to order the 19s
thanks Rick, i know what i would love to do is take a hit on my cyrus & buy the ATC sia2-150 & be done with all the UPGRADING cyrus and so many manufacturers build into there products to keep you in there pocket, i will need to sweet talk my wife a little, alot of my CYRUS is only months old, it may have to do for a short while, thanks Benny.
Hi Benny

The 19's will work fine with your Cyrus setup, and will work just as well with them as your 11's have.

When and if it comes to an amp upgrade, do try a few options, as you're already part way there with the Cyrus. Manufacturers like Cyrus offer the customer options - you don't have to upgrade - the options are there if you want to persue the system further. Not all manufacturers offer options like this.

I'm sure the 19 upgrade will keep you happy for quite some time.


you see, that's how you sell it to the wife!

"it'll just be one box instead of all these...."

just don't tell her how big that one box is.
Craig M.:
i may be wrong, but i think the 19s present the same sort of load as the 11s.

i can vouch for the synergy between the sia2-150 and the 19s.

Hi Craig M.

Good post.

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Craig M.:
you see, that's how you sell it to the wife!

"it'll just be one box instead of all these...."

just don't tell her how big that one box is.

Now that is a good post. It's all about the WAF... (or GAF)
Beta4Me:Craig M.:
you see, that's how you sell it to the wife!

"it'll just be one box instead of all these...."

just don't tell her how big that one box is.

Now that is a good post. It's all about the WAF... (or GAF)

Hi Beta4Me

You beat me to it.

Craig it is an indeed an excellent post
(although please keep this between ourselves).

All the best

Rick @ Musicraft
Hi David, i didnt mean to single CYRUS out on the upgrade path, sometimes i wish i had my trusty old AUDIOLAB 8000c & 8000ms back boy they were good & the funny thing is it sounded just rite, i never thought about upgrading, alongside my LINN lp12 it was always FUN, i think what i am trying to say is i have came so far with hi-fi through the years that i just want an amplifier-speakers-cd player that will do nearly everything well so that i can sit back for years like i used to with the AUDIOLABS. the CYRUS kit does well for its size limitations, you are rite though in that there are many options when i am wanting to upgrade that is why it is so difficult because i could source 2 X-POWERS then i will always wonder how much better the MONO-X would be, this is why i am leaning towards the ATC SIA2-150, when i get my ATC SCM19 i know that i could never go for the scm 40s as they would sound not as good as the 19s due to room size, they would never have the room to shine, i am fed up upgrading, i just think that the ATC amp & SCM19s & even the CYRUS cd player will give me back something like the AUDIOLAB days, sorry for delayed reply, all the best Benny.
Hi Benny

I know what you mean. I used to use an 8000P/C which I used to use with KEF Reference 104/2's and some Magnaplanar SMGb's. The KEF's needed a lot of bass control, and the Magnaplanars could dip to 1ohm, so needed plenty of current, and the Audiolab just got on with the job in hand in both cases, and defied it's price point, which back then was about £1k.

I can vouch for the fact that the SIA2-150 matches extremely well with the ATC speakers, and hearing what they can do on the end of this amp shows you what sub £1,000 amplifiers aren't doing regarding the ATC's. Do audition the ATC amp with the 19's, it could very well be what you're after. But one word of warning - we've found, in many different systems, that the SCM40's are quite a different speaker to the 7/11/19's, and doesn't seem to have the same 'magic' that makes it's little brothers totally enjoyable, regardless of the type of music being played. The 40's are just missing something - maybe it's just that they're too accurate! We don't know, but I've noticed it, my colleagues have noticed it, and customers have noticed it too. I'm not saying it's not a better speaker, it's just not as enjoyable and easy to listen to. So if you're thinking of going down this route, audition extensively.

Personally, I'd always recommend Mono X's over using two X Powers anyway - half measures are always regretted later!

