Thanks for your reply 👍
In the main and for a coupe of reasons the the overall performance of the CA2/P1 is ultimately superior to the SIA2-150 MK2 -
1. Better transparency and resolution
2. Power delivery
Now having said this something else also worth bearing in mind is that the CA2/P1 and the SIA2-150 MK2 somewhat differ in their presentation. The SIA2-150 MK2 has a slightly richer and fuller tone whereas in comparison the CA2/P1 is clearer, faster and a little more direct.
Btw, at this price level we’ve found curved SCM11 passive monitors also respond well with other amplification such as Naim Audio’s SuperNait 3, Norma Audio IPA-70B and Kinki Studio Audio EX-M1+ integrated amplifiers.
The SIA2-150 MK2, CA2/P1, SuperNait 3, IPA-70B and the EX-M1+ amongst their other qualities are high current amplifiers and is a quality that ATC Transducers relish 🙂