Hello ellisdj, yesterday on the "KRP 500A replacement?" thread you said that:
ellisdj said:
i thought you would need to be side by side to see the difference but you don't. What SW Is getting at is that the 65 is bigger with still stunning PQ - but the ZT Is better, is clearer and cleaner by my memory. I will calibrate the ZT soon, I have just done my 65VT using a new method for me. I have got considerably better PQ than I had last time. I am looking forward to seeing what the ZT can do.
Which here you have just reinforced with:
ellisdj said:
There are no doubts in my mind now that calibrating this way I have now has given me significantly better picture than what I had last time.
This is from memory of course 🙂
It's good that your new method of calibration with your new 65VT65 has given you better results than you got with your previous method on your previous 65VT65. So, the question which has doubtless occurred to you also, is - how would your father's 60ZT65, if you calibrated it with your new method, compare with your second 65VT65 also calibrated with your new method? I ask because you had previously said that the ZT was clearly better than the VT.