Are you happy with your system?


Well-known member
Topic says it all *music2*

Starting with my turntable, it's a stock rega queen le with stock rega carbon but a analogis Mat six (leather) turntable mat, as stock as it can be with only 1 upgrade.

Cdplayer Nad C516BEE that replaced my Marantz CD5005 it matches the look of my amp and sounds better, got it with a 40% discount

Amp Nad C316BEE v2 (phono stage) a bit more power than my Nad 3020i and also sounds good. Looks stylish, wanted to have more power and a use a Nad C316BEE + phono stage would be the same price as a new Nad C316BEE v2. Slightly crackling or static noise from the phono stage when i don't play music and the volume is high, nothing i notice when playing.

Foculpods under cdplayer and on top of my cdplayer my amp which also have a pair of polipods feet (just a fairly cheap tweak to improve sound quality, not in the same way as when i upgraded my supra classic speaker cable, it's more a psychological upgrade,you know it's there and it doesn't have any negative effect on the sound quality, although the effect is not as big a changing speaker cable supra to DH LAB (silversonic) )

Soundcard from ny ryzen pc with the top MB from gigabyte, Focusrite iTrack Lightning that solved my full bodied bass and sharp top from my Hifime sabre 9018 usb sound card. Tried 3 cables inakustik,supra and qed,inakustik sounded best but never solved the fulbodied bass and slightly sharp top, had to upgrade my soundcard.

Use a rothwell attenuator for my cdplayer and use the volume knob on my soundcard for my pc to adjust gain.level so it matches my turntable and gives me wider ranger of my volume knob before it's loud -10db attenuators

Usb and interconnects are inakustik premium cables that are very good, musical and open without sounding bright, they just work really good, nothing that they don't do so good, connect and forget about it. They also look pretty good with there blue colour


Speaker cable DH LAB silversonic Odyssey sounds absolutely fantastic softer top and a more open midrange where I more easily can hear the size of the room, bass is never boom,muddy,never to much, always very natural,harmonic,precise and more tight bass than my old cable supra classic 2.5, if not it's not related to the speaker cable.

Speaker's are mission LX-2 the only speaker on avforums that got a 10 out of 10 for sound quality (surprised me when i tried to look at all the other speakers avforums have reviewed)

To me not the loudest speaker (sensitivity), Q acoustics 3020 is to me a little better

They have with the rest of my system a sound that is very balanced, never to bright,bass is free from any loudness,boominess that often relates to speakers in a corner, play loud speakers or something cheap like logitech 2.1 pc speakers,midrange sound natural with good depth (size of a room) and playing loud don't make them scream,just louder. On the good records very pleasant to listen to. Loud edm is not problem,bass just plays what ever edm i throw at it, as long as my amp don't distort they will be fine (peak level for 5ms my nad is rated at 110watt in 8ohm, 20ms 90 watt in 8ohm i never play close to distortion,max wattage).

Stands which do make a huge difference is isoacoustics 155 stand, height 8",20 cm

If i had some money for an upgrade, what would i first change,upgrade?

I wouldn't know what to upgrade, not even shure if i as the first thing would upgrade my rega carbon cartridge.

My isoacoustics stands i have had for many years is something i would never change(have 2 pairs in different size),my speakers are incredible value for money and the speaker cable made a noticeable difference over my supra classic
Which are probably 5% of my total listening.

The rest 95% is fast paced edm or electro punk. And my main system just delivers that in spades.

Iam changing the amp just for kicks, don't necessarily need it. The parasound already does it well enough.

I feel it would be better to leave my main system intact. And start assembling a low power, small tube system in my guest bedroom. This will be built just to give those syrupy female vocals for intimate listening at night, with some glenlivet, when iam in the mood 🙂

But I have'nt mustered the courage to propose a 4th system in my small flat to my better half. Iam hoping the glenlivet helps me there one of these days 🙂
That's the wrong question.

The right question for the true Audiophile is, "Could you be happier with your system". *diablo*
The things I wouldn't upgrade are my speakers and Roon.

But I'd happily upgrade my acoustic room treatment, adding some diffusers. Would happily upgrade isolation for speakers as believe there would be more to get out of it.

I would look to upgrade amplification and source in time, whether it's a streamer or a DAC. But that doesn't necessarily mean I'd sell my current amp as I think it's a cracking piece of kit that just sounds right. I'd also get upgrade my listening chair.

I enjoy changing gear and it's not because of dissatisfaction.
CnoEvil said:
That's the wrong question.

The right question for the true Audiophile is, "Could you be happier with your system". *diablo*
Or could you spend more money on your system.. *scratch_one-s_head* The never ending story.... *biggrin*
Electro said:
I must add that improving room acoustics is absolutely essential to achieving good sound unless you are extremely lucky with you room acoustics and even then there is always room for real improvement without upgrading components .
+1,000,000,000 🙂
I can honestly say yes, *yahoo* or at least 99% so , my inner audiophile sometimes asks me if could I get better than this, perhaps a bigger pair of speakers or a super Hi res source.

But then I put on some music turn up the wick and get blown away and all I can think is how does it get any better than this *i-m_so_happy* .

The only thing I want now is a streamer and that is only because so much of the new music I listen to is not available on Cd, it has nothing to do with improving sound quality only access to more music.

I must add that improving room acoustics is absolutely essential to achieving good sound unless you are extremely lucky with you room and even then there is always room for real improvement without upgrading components .
insider9 said:
Electro said:
I must add that improving room acoustics is absolutely essential to achieving good sound unless you are extremely lucky with you room acoustics and even then there is always room for real improvement without upgrading components .
+1,000,000,000 🙂

And if you can't improve your room acoustics you should be looking at DEQ to adjust your system to the room.
I once wanted to get some room treatment,better room acoustics like this

( )

I forgot all about since i got this answer, you need to measure your room acoustics, who goes out and buys a mic and software to use with the mic (if the mic doesn't come with software), when you want to improve your room acoustics for about £100 with something like this


Now i don't have the money for it, i don't want spend that kind of money, i don't have extra spare money with the nam room acoustiocs written all over and not when i have to do measure my room acoustics just to get some basic room treatment to improve the sound from what i have.
Seriously? Didn't you spend more than £100 on two power leads not so long after that? Buying measurement mic for £100 which you can easily sell for £80 is a bargain and would actually save you money as you'd know if the treatment you bought made any difference at all. You can of course buy some treatment, place it somewhere and then claim improvements whether there's been any or not.

I think the advice you were given was "It's the single biggest upgrade to your listening if done right." It was your decision entirely to look for improvement with cables and not bother with room treatment. Please don't blame the advice you've received.
For now i don't have the extra money for room treatment.

With my current set up i don't have bass problems like i had with my old soundcard, very fullbodied midbass, as i remember they where placed lower than now, for now i personally don't feel the need for bass absorbers.

They are purple but not to expensive (1 piece)

or these (match my blue keyboard ;-) (16 pieces)

Personally i wouldn't wanna spent £100, what i looked for was basic room treatment (one said £100 wasn't even close to getting room treatment, mabye he also was talking about bass absorbers).

With the blue EQ Acoustics Classic Wedge 30 Tile you get alot of pieces and don't have to cut a big piece in smaller pieces.

Those universal absorbers is for mid and high frequencys, im not shure if you don't want (because they are big or expensive) bass absorbers or because you don't need them, why you wanna measure the frequency responce of the room, since basic room treatment with universal absorbers is midrange and highs, where it's mostly for bass i guess you need to use a microphone, not to get to much absorbation and absorbers where there are bass problems in the room.

Havn't heard of midrange only and highs only absorbers or diffusers.

What you forget is that you have atleast 14 day return policy if you buy hardware online.

I bought 2 power cables because i wanted it and could afford it.

Sometimes i sell some of my hardware,amp,speakers,speaker cable,interconnects, me when i have extra money for room treatment.
Yep, happy enough although seriously thinking of putting the Acoustic Zen Adagios back in the room to replace the EB2's but either way it's musically sound and I don't think I will be upgrading anything soon....... just hope the Oppo 105 keeps on working. 🙂
Extremely happy with my system at the mo.... Sometimes you just have to go for a demo 2 or 3 then you can say well yes some systems may be better in some aspects but your's better in others. *dirol* . Like mentioned above the Oppo is some varsatile machine with excellent sound and hope it last long too. *biggrin*
Nobody is really happy with their system, thats why people spend so much time on this forum. Studio Souce, format source, streamer, Cd player, preamp, power amp, integrated amp, stand speaker, floor stander speaker, sub, interconnects, speaker cable, room acoustics, internet. Do the maths and work out the combinations! Makes me feel a bit tired.
johnnyboy1950 said:
Nobody is really happy with their system, thats why people spend so much time on this forum. Studio Souce, format source, streamer, Cd player, preamp, power amp, integrated amp, stand speaker, floor stander speaker, sub, interconnects, speaker cable, room acoustics, internet. Do the maths and work out the combinations! Makes me feel a bit tired.
The reason so many are not happy with their systems could be cause they listen to so much rubbish online as suppose going for what sounds good to them. Its like a popularity contest. Those who upgrade systems almost every month, surely must not be liking the system or may be just an addiction to upgrade. On the other hand it may just be people are actually happy with their systems but just addicted to this site or any other for that matter. Its a kind of society media come to think of it. *mail1*
Native_bon said:
The reason so many are not happy with their systems could be cause they listen to so much rubbish online as suppose going for what sounds good to them.

+1 Absolutely hit the nail on the head. People need to buy what they like, not what others on the forum have said. By all means use recommendations for a short list, but buy what suits YOU.
I used to be a box swapper. But since I found the system that Iike and really enjoyed I stopped. I agree that playing rubbish recorded music makes you want to change or upgrade. I have my speakers/amp/cdp for 5 years without thinking of upgrade in near future.
Although I was intrigued by the new AVI DM12s and did consider upgrading but when I thought about it they had upgraded the tweeters used a bigger cabinet and added an better DAC and tone controls.

I have DM10s with a subwoofer I figured that the subwoofer negated the need for the bigger cabinets. Also I have a Marantz pm8005 and SA8005 so use the SA DAC and the PM preamp and connect to the Analogue inputs of the DM10s so if I need to I can use the PM tone controls to adjust the the treble. The thing the DM12s have which I can't equal is the Satori tweeters.

To be honest though I'm so happy with the DM10s I find it hard to believe I could do much better. I thought my new Sennheiser HD660s would blow my AVI DM10s away but although great headphones and very detailed I would rate them on par with each other.

I don't really believe all the hype about fancy interconnects, speaker cables power supplies/cables,. They may make a very slight difference but nothing worth spending a lot of money on.

I find the limiting factor to my enjoyment of music is how good the recordings are and the limitations of ones hearing. Everyones hearing is different hence the many differing opinions expressed here on this forum. It makes life more interesting if not we would all have the same systems. There really is no substitute for going out and listening for yourself.

The only thing I may upgrade is the cartridge on my Project 2Xperience SB DC. I'm just a bit nervous about fitting a new one!
AntAxon said:
Although I was intrigued by the new AVI DM12s and did consider upgrading but when I thought about it they had upgraded the tweeters used a bigger cabinet and added an better DAC and tone controls.

I have DM10s with a subwoofer I figured that the subwoofer negated the need for the bigger cabinets. Also I have a Marantz pm8005 and SA8005 so use the SA DAC and the PM preamp and connect to the Analogue inputs of the DM10s so if I need to I can use the PM tone controls to adjust the the treble. The thing the DM12s have which I can't equal is the Satori tweeters.

To be honest though I'm so happy with the DM10s I find it hard to believe I could do much better. I thought my new Sennheiser HD660s would blow my AVI DM10s away but although great headphones and very detailed I would rate them on par with each other.

I don't really believe all the hype about fancy interconnects, speaker cables power supplies/cables,. They may make a very slight difference but nothing worth spending a lot of money on. 

I find the limiting factor to my enjoyment of music is how good the recordings are and the limitations of ones hearing. Everyones hearing is different hence the many differing opinions expressed here on this forum.  It makes life more interesting if not we would all have the same systems. There really is no substitute for going out and listening for yourself.

The only thing I may upgrade is the cartridge on my Project 2Xperience SB DC. I'm just a bit nervous about fitting a new one!


Upgrade to the new satori tweeters?
A few have done this
I am happy with my system.

But that doesn't mean I don't want a Linn Klimax DSM and ATC SCM40a's.

Then I'd be very happy.