Yes and no. Yet over the course of the last few weeks, folks on these forums like Cno, Insider 9, no Piano, to name just a few, have offered good advice. "The more I learn the more questions I have" is an age old addage and proves prescient here.
In the search for fuller sound, I have turned to source, amp and speakers in the last couple weeks, but the largest improvements were a drastic change in orientation ( I moved our entire large living space 90 degress and with it got a speaker wall of 65cm away vs. speakers standing alone with a wall 2.5m away. They are also on sand filled stands now.
The other change was more of a mentality: Well recorded/engineered (and in some cases produced) pieces of music, regardless of genre, seem to sound better. Four albums really changed my mind: Dylan's "Oh Mercy" Hadouk Trio "Baldamore" Jason Mraz "We Sing We Dance.." and Nils Lofgren "Acoustic Live" I have heard them on CD and Tidal, and I liked them equally. I want to start a thread of the very finest recordings.
I used to think Steely Dan and Sting were the epitome. Bah, what a Philistine I was.

Raised on a steady diet of Classic Rock wil do that to you I suppose. My old time rock and roll is never going to sound the way I hoped it would. I hate my computer for music.
I still need a streamer and have more than two months of research to show that until I hear everything I have read about, there is no reason to purchase.
Finally, I wonder why nobody seems to own Arcam amps, LS50's or B&W speakers? It makes me wonder if I dropped the ball.