As per title. Are watts related to price? I've noticed that an increase in watts seems to go hand in hand with an increase in price of amplifiers. Should this be the case? Most 1k amps are in and around 70 to 80 watts. Double this price brings you into the 120 to 150 wpc region and so on. Why is this? Is it just a measuring tool used by manufacturers to simplify things? Should watts really be the measure of value of an amp? Perhaps it's more difficult to create good sound quality at higher power. What's the justification for more watts = more expense?
I'm not asking this from a cynical point of view, I have little to no electronics understanding. Are the components required vastly more expensive? There are exceptions of course, but the likes of Behringer or other "pro" gear for example are considered to not have great sound quality. It's regularly suggested my ATC SCM11s need more power to do their thing but when I shop around it's hard not to baulk at the prices being asked. As a relative newcomer was hifi always so expensive?
I'm not asking this from a cynical point of view, I have little to no electronics understanding. Are the components required vastly more expensive? There are exceptions of course, but the likes of Behringer or other "pro" gear for example are considered to not have great sound quality. It's regularly suggested my ATC SCM11s need more power to do their thing but when I shop around it's hard not to baulk at the prices being asked. As a relative newcomer was hifi always so expensive?