ChrisIRL said:
Thanks for the info, did spot these as an option. Curious how and why a 1000va transformer is in a 70w amp? It doesn't clip at higher volume but is clipping not the limiting factor ultimately of how high an amp can go? I've also found that larger transformers are more prone to humming. Strikes me a bit as putting a 4.0L engine in a 1.0L chassis.?
The big power transformer and supply is to allow the Abrahamsen to deliver massive amounts of current, probably around 100 amps peak current !
It is like having a large light alloy V8 engine in a light stiff chassis car that is tuned for maximum torque rather than large amounts of horsepower, the throttle respose is instant in any gear or at any rpm and it is extremely fast under all conditions and loads right up to it's maximum speed.
It may not do 200 mph but the accelaration up to its top speed of 130 is blistering .