arcam a28 .. e500 ..


New member
Aug 10, 2019
ok i know in forever chopping and changing , buying new then second hand then new [:$] ..

but if any of the usual hifi gurus can advise ? i can get the arcam for e500 , in mint condition , ive checked ebay and they are going for £800-£900 ..

any opinions on this amp with my rx6s ?? ta..
I'm not one of the "usual hifi gurus", but FWIW...

If you demo an A28, make sure you try it bi-wired 4-to-4 and select both SP1 and SP2, which IME adds significantly to an Arcam amp's separation, clarity, bass response and overall musicality.

And be sure to demo with your MAs - some folks think that Arcam + MA is a sweet combo, while others hear a top-end that's way too bright/metallic with bass that's too 'thud-thud'-sounding and deep. Of course, only you can decide what's best for your ears...

Good luck.
Beginning to think the problem may not be the amp but the speakers.
cheers 6th , but i wont be able to demo , i figured that at the price , i may be able to take a punt , as on ebay there are only two new ones listed , at £800ish , i could hopefully at least get my money back if i didnt like it ..
Tarquinh:Beginning to think the problem may not be the amp but the speakers.see thats the thing , i wont know how good my speakers are until they are powered by a decent , more powerful amp , which was always my plan when i first got them , but what amp ? arcam has been mentioned as being a great pairing with MA on here many times , hence this thread
That's only true up to a point. Good speakers always sound like good speakers, so, if you're finding yours not quite perfect, a new amp may not help.

I'd go out to some dealers and do some listening. At least then you'll be able to put what you have in perspective. Worked for me with speakers, as I found out the best I heard were the ones sitting in my lounge room.
im not really looking to change my speakers tarq , im pretty sure they are good enough for me , with most material they sound excellent , im just trying to give them better amplification really , the marantz is rated at 45watts , ok i know thats not the be all , but its barely enough as far as i understand it , so im looking for a more powerful amp , demoing is the best advice , but its so much hassle for me where i live , id rather go the trial and error route , once it doesnt cost too much
Max, bearing in mind your re-sale plan if you don't like the A28, consider that Peter Tyson, Sevenoaks and Ray Jowett are currently selling new A28s for £699. IMHO the A28 is sweet, but you must demo...

In fact, there appears to be a plethora of Arcam hifi bargains at present - hence I've recently upgraded my CDP and amp(s). Methinks Arcam is about to revamp its product range and dealers are trying to shift current stock?

Then again, Sevenoaks seems to be the instigator in the 'Arcam price-war', maybe its recent merger with Audio-T is the catalyst, due to the merged company finding it's now overstocked or perhaps 'Seven-Ts' is dropping Arcam?? Who knows???
6th.replicant:Max, bearing in mind your re-sale plan if you don't like the A28, consider that Peter Tyson, Sevenoaks and Ray Jowett are currently selling new A28s for £699. IMHO the A28 is sweet, but you must demo...

In fact, there appears to be a plethora of Arcam hifi bargains at present - hence I've recently upgraded my CDP and amp(s). Methinks Arcam is about to revamp its product range and dealers are trying to shift current stock?thats why im tempted , £700 is e855 , i can surely get my dough back if i dont fall in love having paid e500 ? i dont ebay but a friend of mine does , so i kind of seen it as a shot to nothing ..

i really respect the advice of those on here that reccomend arcam gear , but there does seem to be a general viewpoint on the web that they can sound uninvolving , if not for that id have already pulled the trigger ...
daveh75:I'd concentrate on 'treating' your room, before anything else max...All those refective surfaces are doing you no favours.
agreed daveh , and im going to try to sort that next week , but i still want to get a more fitting amp for the speakers , i very nearly bought a roksan kandy yesterday , but it was new , and would have cost e640 with my marantz
..after all is said and done id rather experiment with 2nd hand gear , it seems the cheaper , less risky way ..
maxflinn:...but there does seem to be a general viewpoint on the web that they can sound uninvolving...
Precisely why I suggest 4-to-4 bi-wiring Arcam amps - even better when bi-amp'ed!! - with the A28's SP1 and SP2 both selected/'on'.

FWIW, I prefer Arcam because to my ears it makes classical/jazz/acoustic/vocals sound natural/realsitic. Then again, Big Chris digs Arcam because it floats his yacht when listening to metal and (very) heavy rock...

Re price: clearly, 'the ?s have it'.
6th.replicant:maxflinn:...but there does seem to be a general viewpoint on the web that they can sound uninvolving...
Precisely why I suggest 4-to-4 bi-wiring Arcam amps - even better when bi-amp'ed!! - with the A28's SP1 and SP2 both selected/'on'.

FWIW, I prefer Arcam because to my ears it makes classical/jazz/acoustic/vocals sound natural/realsitic. Then again, Big Chris digs Arcam because it floats his yacht when listening to metal and (very) heavy rock...

Re price: clearly, 'the ?s have it'.
well it looks like ive just found a buyer for my marantz
, for e50 less than i payed for it , not too bad really , i only put the add back up 30 minutes ago and got two offers , the whfi 5 star rating must reach far and wide

ah , im going to take a chance on the a28 , i dont have much to lose really , just need to buzz cloney audio on tue morning , full review to follow , hopefully next weekend
maxflinn:ah , im going to take a chance on the a28 , i dont have much to lose really , just need to buzz cloney audio on tue morning , full review to follow , hopefully next weekend

Good man! Look forward to reading your review.
6th.replicant:maxflinn:ah , im going to take a chance on the a28 , i dont have much to lose really , just need to buzz cloney audio on tue morning , full review to follow , hopefully next weekend

Good man! Look forward to reading your review.
cheers 6th
I think I'd be inclined, if you must insist on going down the blind purchase route, would be to head off towards something in the Arcam A85 guise - just read the AudioEnz site listing at that's the one that sold me on my CDP (i.e. it was bang on in what it said, so - IMO - it's trusted) and going by what others have said, that could be a better fit. Cost you a damn site less, you can still add to it with future power amps if you wish and if it tanks, it's not going to have cost you a stack of Euros.

Well, it will, but it'll be a smaller stack than the '28 will take from you!
the record spot:I think I'd be inclined, if you must insist on going down the blind purchase route, would be to head off towards something in the Arcam A85 guise - just read the AudioEnz site listing at that's the one that sold me on my CDP (i.e. it was bang on in what it said, so - IMO - it's trusted) and going by what others have said, that could be a better fit. Cost you a damn site less, you can still add to it with future power amps if you wish and if it tanks, it's not going to have cost you a stack of Euros.

Well, it will, but it'll be a smaller stack than the '28 will take from you!

Max, The RS has made some very valid points IMHO.

And within no time, you'll be able to upgrade to an Arcam power amp to bi-amp with the A85 - and the results of that combo will blow your Calvins off! (Erm, would like to point out that one is speculating re Max's choice of Eddies, and not privy to inside info...)
cheers rs and 6th , the problem with getting an a85 is that most that get listed on ebay are uk only delivery , as you guys know i live in ireland , so thats a bit of a problem, the a28 can be sent from dublin for no extra charge ...

my marantz is being picked up tmw by the way
Ah, of course, fair enough.

Well, you'll still be able to take solace from knowing that a great A28 bi-amp upgrade-path awaits, a few years hence, or months, or weeks, or...
cheers rs and 6th , the problem with getting an a85 is that most that get listed on ebay are uk only delivery , as you guys know i live in ireland , so thats a bit of a problem, the a28 can be sent from dublin for no extra charge ...

my marantz is being picked up tmw by the way

Max, just seen that, Billy is sound, I've known him a long time

Can you not get to Dublin to demo the Arcam? He has some fine rooms there......
cheers rs and 6th , the problem with getting an a85 is that most that get listed on ebay are uk only delivery , as you guys know i live in ireland , so thats a bit of a problem, the a28 can be sent from dublin for no extra charge ...

my marantz is being picked up tmw by the way

Max, just seen that, Billy is sound, I've known him a long time

Can you not get to Dublin to demo the Arcam? He has some fine rooms there......

hi torres , you mean the guy in cloney ? hes called billy ?

yea i guess i could drive up there next week , and bring my speakers too ..

ps .. if i still have them
Na the guy buying your Marantz, haven't bought anything from Cloney in years, my Rega Planar2 was the last purchase, often pop in to see what they have, nice.....
Torres09:Na the guy buying your Marantz, haven't bought anything from Cloney in years, my Rega Planar2 was the last purchase, often pop in to see what they have, nice.....
ah ok , billy is coming down to mine to pick up my marantz tmw , yea he does seem sound , he has quite a few bits and bobs of his own , including a marantz pm 7001 amp , 95 watts , hmmm ? any views on that ?

edit .. its a marantz pm 7000 hes got , hes gonna take it down with him and leave it with me for an hour to try out , he reckons its 95 watts and lovely and warm sounding , at the very least ill get a bit of an experience of something more powerful/different ...
an opinion on the a28 from pp and mp would be nice guys if you pick this up ? im very tempted ...
Torres09:Na the guy buying your Marantz, haven't bought anything from Cloney in years, my Rega Planar2 was the last purchase, often pop in to see what they have, nice.....
ah ok , billy is coming down to mine to pick up my marantz tmw , yea he does seem sound , he has quite a few bits and bobs of his own , including a marantz pm 7001 amp , 95 watts , hmmm ? any views on that ?

edit .. its a marantz pm 7000 hes got , hes gonna take it down with him and leave it with me for an hour to try out , he reckons its 95 watts and lovely and warm sounding , at the very least ill get a bit of an experience of something more powerful/different ...

Sorry max, never heard a PM7000, I'm a big fan of Marantz amp's have had a few over the years, also had a few NAD and a Rotel, that is the extend of my limited knowledge


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