Any rumours of Evoke 3S?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi. I know this was raised earlier in the year, but with Dixons listing the Evoke 3 with a lower price than the new Evoke 2S I wonder...

Has anyone heard rumours of a new PURE radio with facility to record to SD in the pipeline. I have saved up for the Evoke 3 which has just what I need (recordability with sleep) but...

Or do you all want me to get an Evoke 3 now, so the Evoke 3SuperS /wifi /mp3/ satnav is launched the minute I get back from the store 😱)
Short of the SWAT Hi Fi team to going at dead of night and capturing all their plans, I guess that's it then.

How much notice of new products do you usually get, I wonder? With the Mio / Evoke 1 upgrade coming out end December I wonder when's the earliest that a '3' upgrade is likely.

Thanks Clare, I'll look forward to reading about it when it happens.
We got to here about the Evoke Flow months in advance of it coming out - plus all the recent upgrades (and Avanti Flow) a few weeks ahead of their official launch at our Show....


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