Andy: Review of Yamaha 1900 and Onkyo 906?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Hi Andy,

I recall that these AV Receivers were being reviewed by the team and that the review was supposed to be posted online as soon as it was ready. Any idea when we can hope to see these reviews?

And are there any plans to review the Pioneer LX71 and Yamaha 3900? How about the "upgraded" Denon 3808?

Hi seakingadvice

Apologies, we've all been tied up with the Show and things have been a bit frantic. The Yamaha RXV-1900 will be a First Test in our January 09 issue, on sale December 11th.

Both the Yamaha RXV-3900 and Onkyo TX-NR906 will be in a Group Test of multichannel receivers £1000-£1500 in the Jan 09 issue too. Don't think we've had Pioneer LX71 yet, but we'll be testing it as soon as we get it.
Andy Clough:
Hi seakingadvice

Apologies, we've all been tied up with the Show and things have been a bit frantic. The Yamaha RXV-1900 will be a First Test in our January 09 issue, on sale December 11th.

Both the Yamaha RXV-3900 and Onkyo TX-NR906 will be in a Group Test of multichannel receivers £1000-£1500 in the Jan 09 issue too. Don't think we've had Pioneer LX71 yet, but we'll be testing it as soon as we get it.

Hi Andy,

Great! What other AV Receivers will be in the Group Test in the January 2009 issue? Any chance of the individual reviews being posted online before that?

Andrew Everard:Onkyo 906 reviewed in the the WHFSV Ultimate Guide to Blu-ray, now on sale.

Thanks Andrew.

I've just read the 4 Star Review of the Onkyo 906. Looks like it will not be winning any group tests.

Regarding the review, it doesn't mention much about the video processing capabilities of the Reon chip that the Onkyo is using. If it were to be judged on that, would it be better than the Pioneer LX81's video processing capabilities?
Hi Andy,

Great! What other AV Receivers will be in the Group Test in the January 2009 issue? Any chance of the individual reviews being posted online before that?


Test was still being put together last time I was in the office, and while I am sure some reviews will be posted online in advance, we have to save something for the print magazine...
Hi Andy & Andrew,

If the contenders for the test has yet to be finalised, may I suggest:

1) Pioneer 81
2) Pioneer 71
3) Onkyo 906
4) Onkyo 876
5) Yamaha 3900
6) Yamaha 1900
7) Denon 4308
8) Denon 3808
9) Denon 2809
10)Any new Sony AV receivers that can make the deadline

Looking forward to reading the Group Tests in the December and January issue! BTW, what are the AV Receivers that will be tested in the December issue that is out later this week? Thanks!
I will be out of country by the end of this month. I am moving permanently in Cyprus. Any chance that the magazine is exported there? I would like to read the group test in the Jannuary issue...


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